Thursday Movie Picks: Snowy Winter Movies

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is snowy winter movies. I have a love/hate relationship with snow. I think it's beautiful, when it's falling softly at night, it's so pretty and there are many scenes in films where it's snowing that I love. But fuck ice, and -50 degree weather, seriously. Here are some of my favorite winter movies. 1) 30 Days of Night This ended up as a bonus pick during the graphic novel week, so I'm glad I get a chance to use it here. The snowy setting makes this scenario even more dire. 2) Let the Right One In Yeah, two winter vampire movies. I know, but I love Let The Right One In and winter plays an important part in one of my favorite scenes, Eli and Oskar meeting outside and Eli isn't dressed for winter. 3) Misery Worst person to get caught in a snow storm with ever. Bonus: The Ice Storm - not a whole lot of snow in this movie, but the ice they get at the end of it is memorable.