Review: Captain America: Civil War

Don't call it Avengers 2.5

You've probably heard by now, but in case you were worried. This is not an Avengers movie. No, this is every bit a Captain America movie. His friends are just along for the ride.

Steve, (Chris Evans) Natasha, (Scarlett Johansson) Sam, (Anthony Mackie) and Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) are on a mission in Lagos, Nigeria. When something goes horribly wrong, the United Nations throws together the Sokovia Accords, a law saying the Avengers can only act when they tell them to. Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) fresh off being guilt tripped by the mother of a man who died in Sokovia is all for it. Rhodey (Don Cheadle) and Vision (Paul Bettany) side with him too. But Cap is against it. Making matters worse, Bucky (Sebastian Stan) is being blamed for a crime he did not commit, and Steve will do anything he can to protect him. Even if that means going against the law.

My hype for this movie was insane. I love the MCU, I don't care if I hit fangirl mode about it. Not all of their movies are good, but they have way more hits than misses and Civil War may be their biggest hit of all. The Captain America movies have always been the strongest ones, and I love that they decided to do Civil War. Cap is very much at the heart of this with Bucky, Iron Man doesn't steal his thunder. I love that they had everyone talk about the accords. They actually spent a good amount of time on deciding instead of immediately splitting sides, and both sides are right, which makes everything that happens even more tragic. 

One thing Robert Downey Jr. does do is give the best acting performance of the film. Tony's always been a fairly complicated guy, but he's pushed emotionally into a place we've never seen him before. Evans is always great as Cap too. He's just a man trying to do the right thing. Newcomer Chadwick Boseman is very strong as T'Challa/Black Panther. He's perfectly stern throughout. Bucky and Sam also have wonderful banter that provides some of the best lines in the film. The two scene stealers though are easily Paul Rudd as Ant Man and Tom Holland as Spiderman. Rudd is always a gem on screen, and he's a blast during the stunning airport fight scene at the end. I've always been in the Tobey Maguire corner when it comes to Spiderman, but Holland really is the best so far. He captures the awkwardness of him perfectly, and unlike Andrew Garfield before him, he actually looks like a teenager. He actually talks so much during the airport fight that Sam has to essentially tell him to shut up.

Civil War was everything I wanted it to be and more. I wish it would've been longer, because the film flew by. If there was a downfall, it would be Sharon Carter. Her entire purpose in this film is to be Cap's love interest. They take Peggy's funeral and make it about Sharon making eyes at Cap, then everything she does after that is to service her crush on Cap. (I know their relationship is a huge comic thing, but I've always found her bland and their relationship kind of gross) But she's only in the movie for 5-10 minutes total, so I don't have to focus on that for long. It was amusing seeing several people in my audience shake their heads when they kissed though. Luckily we have the interesting blossoming romance between Vision and Wanda that gets more focus. Now they are a fascinating pair.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: Hype cannot be contained...A+

Memorable Quote: "I can't control their fear, only my own." - Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen)


  1. This sounds like a really good movie and you are the second I read that finally explained why Iron Man and Capt. America are at odds. I am going to look forward to seeing this film

  2. The Sharon element is a little strange, but they kinda have to go there is they want to honour the comics. Other than that, I couldn't agree more - this film is wall-to-wall amazing. Glad you liked it!

    1. I get why they did it, but I also don't think every little thing in the comics needs to be honored. I have no problem with Sharon being a love interest but she can be that and more. They aren't letting her be more than that at the moment.

  3. I know you're not fond of Emily VanCamp but you have to admit... *SPOILERS*

    The scene where she and Cap kiss, I was more about Bucky and Sam's reaction as that brought a damn good laugh in me. I could watch those two bicker as they're fun to watch.

    I fucking love Tom Holland as Spider-Man as he is perfect not just for his awkward nerdiness but also for the fact that there was no need to explain his origin story while being the standout in the big battle. I bet everyone in Team Cap were like "dammit, I can't hate this kid. He's so annoyingly funny"

    1. Bucky and Sam were hilarious in that car, that was the only saving grace of that scene. lol

      Yeah, the fact that Sam had to be like "there's not this much talking" was great.

  4. Nice review! Paul Rudd absolutely stole the show! And so did Spider-Man. I missed Garfield, but at least, like you said, Holland looks like a teenager.

    I wasn't crazy about Sharon Carter. She had something to do in The Winter Soldier, but here she just was a love interest, and not even that interesting. But then, like you pointed out, there was the blossoming romance between Vision and Wanda and made up for that.

    1. Thank God. lol. I'm not even sure why we need Sharon Carter, I know her comic purpose, but Widow is more interesting and was like that in Winter Solider as well.

  5. So much fun, this movie is. It also has more on its mind than other MCU flicks. Holland is by far the best Spider-Man we've ever had in just that little bit of screen time. Maguire was good, but too reserved. Garfield just doesn't have that type of awkwardness in him. And yeah, the Sharon Carter thing was shoehorned in the worst way. Other than that, it's great.

    1. Holland was perfect. I was worried about Spiderman being shoehorned into this, and he was, but it was welcomed because he was so great.

  6. I'm so glad you liked it, I know how hyped you were! Awesome to read Paul was a stand out :)

    1. Thank you! OMG He was great, you're going to love him. He's got some great one liners.

  7. Great review Brittani! I'm glad the film met your expectations. I really loved this movie. The Captain America movies have always been the best in MCU. I totally agree w/ you about Sharon Carter. I didn't understand this at all. It was like Sharon was Cap's love interest and then Scarlet Witch was Vision's love interest and didn't have much of a role. That is my one big complaint.

    I wonder when they're going to introduce Black Widow and Winter Soldier romance? I believe they have a romance in the comics.

    1. Scarlet Witch at least was very conflicted with her powers and that I always appreciate about her. She's SO powerful and doesn't realize it yet.

      Yeah, I do believe Nat and Bucky have history in the comics. I wonder if they go there in the show? I would've taken Nat/Cap over Cap/Sharon too. lol

  8. What can I say that you probably don't already know? UMMMM, Pretty much nothing. LOVED CIVIL WAR. I don't hate Sharon Carter 'cause it's expected from the comic books, but the timing was just not handled well at all. I would've liked her and Steve to have worked together more against the Accords, and see what kind of firecracker she is as her own person instead of her just being Peggy's niece and Steve finally making a move after 100 years. UGH. Great review though!

    1. That's part of my issue, the other part being I just don't care much for Emily VanCamp, but she could grow on me if they'd let her do something outside of just being someone to ogle Cap. lol


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