Thursday Movie Picks: Androids/Cyborgs

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is movies with androids/cyborgs. These type of films haven't always been my thing. There's quite a few big ones I haven't seen, but here are a few that I like. 

1) The Terminator Series

I couldn't not go with the most popular Cyborg in the cinematic universe. I've been meaning to rewatch these films for awhile. Maybe I will be the time this is posted. 

2) Bicentennial Man

I loved this movie when I was a kid. A robot saying something "chaps her ass" never gets old to me. I think Andrew Martin might be the sweetest android in film.

3) Ex Machina 

This counts, right? She's essentially an android? Either way, Ex Machina is one of my favorite films from last year. Ava, is so life like if it were for her appearance she'd easily pass that Turing test. 

clicking the gifs will redirect to their makers.


  1. Ava is the single greatest special effect in a movie in YEARS. Vikander so deserved the Oscar for this, not that ridiculous other movie that shall not be named.

    I have such unresolved complicated feelings for Arnie as the Terminator... that first scene...

    I didn't care for Bicentennial Man; too gloopily, overly sentimental.

    1. I'm also so happy Ex Machina won the visual effects Oscar, I didn't think a littlw film that like had a chance. You're right about Bicentennial Man, I just didn't know what else to pick lol

  2. The Terminators both the first and second seem to be the titles of the week, no surprise really. My favorite is the first but T2 is almost as good.

    I wasn't a big fan of Bicentennial Man, I thought it was icky sweet but a good fit for the week.

    Haven't seen Ex Machina but it's at the top of my queue and with all the positive feedback on it today I'm looking forward to it.

    I'm not a big sci-fier so I had to cast around a bit for choices.

    Eve of Destruction (1991)-Eve is a military android, an exact replicate of her creator (both played by Renee Soutendijk) who through a malfunction has become a killing machine as well as a nuclear bomb. Now that she is running amok and creating havoc in the big city a rescue team headed by Colonel Gregory Hines is tasked to disarm her before she explodes. She however will destroy anything in her path to prevent that.

    The Stepford Wives (1975)-Something’s not quite right in the charming, old-fashioned town of Stepford. All the women are incredibly docile and yielding and new arrival Joanna (Katharine Ross) wants to know why. The answer is one that is both scary and disturbing. Eerie suspenser that is heads and tales about the crappy 2004 remake.

    Westworld (1973)-Michael Crichton directed sci-fi story of an amusement park tricked out to resemble the Wild West and stocked with androids that the guests can have mock shoot-outs with as pretend gunslingers. Blaine and Martin (James Brolin & Richard Benjamin) arrive for a bit of adventure just as there is a system failure and their supposed to be relaxing vacation becomes a race for survival. Followed by a sequel Futureworld.

    1. I didn't think of the Stepford Wives for this theme. That's an inspiree choice. I hope you enjoy Ex Machina.

  3. YES on Ex Machina!! One of the best robot films of all time. I second Terminator, and I'd probably put down Number Six from Battlestar Galactica (the newer version) but most of the Cylons in that show are awesome!

    1. My husband was huge into that show. I didn't pay very good attention.

  4. Cyborgs!
    I think we may have reached the bottom of the barrel. That's stretching things, genre wise. But I do love Ex-Machina. However, I think she proved that she was in fact human.

    1. She did master the human trait of "totally fucked up" by the end of it too.

  5. Ex Machina certainly counts! And it's a great film. The Terminator series has given us two great films (the first two), one good but underrated film (T3), and one piece of junk (Salvation). I haven't seen Genisys just yet. Bicentennial Man was ok, but felt SO LONG and 100% cheesy, lol.

    1. Yeah it was super cheesy, that's probably why little me liked it. Genesys wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I wouldn't call it good by any means.

  6. We are on the same wavelength when it comes to Terminator. I talked about the first o e because it's my favourite since I do find it campy but good also. I have not seen the Robin Williams film but will one day. I did see Ex Machina and liked it even though it is disturbing and creepy

  7. I do love the first 2 Terminator films as they're classics while Ex Machina is awesome. Bicentennial Man though, ugh... I don't like that one. Way too long and extremely sentimental.

    Has anyone mentioned... I'm a Cyborg but That's OK by Chan-wook Park? That is an underrated film.

    1. That's funny you mention that, it's #3 in my Netflix queue right now.

  8. Ex Machina was a terrific film, loved Vikander in it.

  9. I've only seen Ex Machina and I didn't like it as much as you did, but Ava/Alicia was terrific.

    1. She looked great. I wish Vikander would've taken home an Oscar for that instead.

  10. Yes! Terminator! I have seen Bicentennial Man, well I;ve seen a few bits but never stuck with it.

    1. I probably wouldn't watch it now, but I liked it as a kid.

  11. Cool picks! Totally agree about Terminator and Ex-Machina. :)

  12. Of course Ava counts. She may not be a cyborg but she's definitely android.

    I think she did pass the Turing test, at least I think the traditional one where it was about the ability of a machine to exhibit intelligence and behavior like a human, and not dependent on actual appearance.


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