Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Non-English TV

This week's TV theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is that one I saw I'm going to do better with every year, then never do. There is so much TV to watch in English that I rarely get to anything else, and the few I do, I've talked about before. So here's me reaching again. Recommend something fun to me in the comments. 1) Yu-Gi-Oh - I've never watched this show, but as a kid I remember thinking it was so weird that so many adults liked this, and jokes on me because now I'm an adult who likes anime too. We can all grow, folks. 2) Pokemon - My son is obsessed with this. He takes great pride in his cards and tells me all about them, and I know nothing, because I don't watch this either. 3) Scenes From A Marriage - This is kind of a cheat, because while it aired as mini series in Sweden, I've only seen the film cut, but I'm watching the remake so it reminded me of this.