Thursday Movie Picks: Creature Features

This week's Halloween theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is creature features. The only catch is they can't be aliens, vampires, zombies or werewolves. This was kind of tough, I love B movie horror but creature features aren't something I've dabbled in too much. These films are pretty bad, but at least they're amusing at times. 

1) Piranha 3D

No, I didn't actually see this in 3D, I believe I Netflixed it. Thousands of piranhas swarm a lake that happens to be a big spring break destination. These little bastards defy gravity at times. I never did see the original 70's movie, but this remake is actually pretty hysterical.

2) Cujo

I can't do doggie death. Old Yeller, Homeward Bound, and Benji scarred me as a child and I've never recovered. I just can't handle it....except Cujo. Cujo is the only time I watched a dog die on screen and didn't cry because this entire movie is so over the top and weird. It also helped that the effects are trash.

3) Tremors

Underground creatures wreak havoc on a small town. This movie is so fucking bad, I don't know how it ended up being a series of sorts. There's so many good actors in these films too, it just baffles me. What is it about Tremors that attracted all of these people?


  1. I only saw Piranha and judging by the gifs that was a wise choice :)

    1. You haven't seen Tremors? I figured everyone has. That shit was on TV all the time. lol

  2. When I was younger, everyone was SO into Tremors, but I never was.

    1. Same. Everyone I knew loved them and I just didn't care.

  3. Fun choices.

    I saw the original Piranha, I can't even honestly say why, and it was unsurprisingly awful so I've avoided any of the follow-ups which I've heard are even worse!

    Cujo is such a strange film, but then the book wasn't very good either. I saw it on TV and while I stuck with it to the end there was a lot of leaving the room and glancing back in occasionally at the screen involved.

    A couple of people had praised Tremors to the sky as clever and different so I gave it a try. I didn't share their high opinion but it was goofy in a sort of fun way. Once was more than enough though.

    This isn't really my avenue of viewing though when I was looking for films it somehow turned out I'd seen far more of them than I thought I had over the years. I'm not going to pretend any of these are good films, they're crap though my bonus is fun because of the uniqueness of its cast.

    Tentacles (1977)-Balderdash about a killer octopus terrorizing a resort town, and not just in the sea but on land!!! Three Oscar winners, Henry Fonda, John Huston & Shelley Winters, and several other respected performers collect a paycheck.

    Empire of the Ants (1977)-Shady real estate agent Joan Collins and a bunch of potential suckers for her latest scheme land on an island in the Florida Everglades that thanks to toxic waste has been overtaken by giant mutant killer ants!! Crunch and munch.

    Night of the Lepus (1972)-Bizarre cheapie about a genetic experiment gone wrong. Killer rabbits terrorize the countryside!! Hilarity ensues. Poor Janet Leigh from Psycho to this in only a dozen years!

    Bonus-Killer Bees (1974)-Young man (Edward Albert) brings his fiancée (Kate Jackson) home to his family’s vineyard to meet the matriarch of his clan Madame Maria von Bohlen (Gloria Swanson), who has a strange bond with the bee colony that is the backbone of the family business. Worth catching for the cast alone. This is somewhat out of the perimeter since it was a TV Movie of the Week but it’s surely the best movie on the list!

    1. I've seen Killer Bees, which I never minded. It was decent enough. I haven't seen the other ones.

  4. Cujo scared the balls off of me, as I still live in fear of that f--king dog. Oh, and that damn kid from Who's the Boss? How did this role not scar him for life?


    Ha...Tremors. I'm with you on that one.

    1. Cujo is just weird. I think the effects being so bad helped it NOT completely scar me for life.

  5. I never saw Cujo because I love dogs and animals so much and it just sounds so stupid. I saw the original Piranha and it is bad. This was around the same time when I watched a movie about a giant turtle (TV movie and not Japanese) and a giant Croc that, when a baby, was flushed down the toilet but lived and due to sewage waste grew horribly massive. I like's my guilty pleasure and I never thought of it as an amazing film but as a b movie flick that is fun to watch

    1. lol I need to look up these turtle and croc movies.

  6. Oooooh I remember Cujo. Haven't seen it in ages. I remember the cable trailer really scaring me as a kid. Seeing it again a few years later and I was struck by how "meh" it was.

    1. I haven't seen it since I was a kid either, I imagine it's not scary at all now. lol

  7. I've seen those 3 films, they're pretty awesome and fun to watch.

  8. I haven't seen any of these, but they seem fun to watch.

  9. Tremors is just fun. At least, I thought so. The sequels, the ones I saw get worse. I suppose that's not a surprise. Piranha 3D is hysterical from start to finish. The original has some of that same stuff going on, but the remake beats it by a mile by going straight balls to the wall for its entire runtime. Didn't like its sequel much - Piranha 3DD. Cujo is not really good. However, shameless plug coming, it did help me write one of my better reviews.

  10. Tremors definitely falls into the "so bad it's good" category. There hadn't been a major, balls-out creature feature made like that in a while. They just went with it, played it straight, and made a real bad good movie. I love it haha!

    I don't do doggie death either. But that Cujo though...

    1. Cujo and that dog in Don't Breathe don't count. lol They both could go.

  11. I've never seen any of these. I've just never been into B movies much, but I'm sure they're fun in that's so ridiculous way especially when the effects have aged.

    1. I like B movies, but I completely understand why they're not everyone's cup of tea.


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