Thursday Movie Picks: Sci Fi Horror

My four year old's new favorite phrase is "outta this world" and that's exactly what this week's Halloween theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is: science fiction horror. While I at least make an attempt to be creative each week, this time I'm going for the typical route. Remind me to watch Videodrome, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and to finish Eraserhead.

1) Alien

I'd wager this will end up on everyone's list. This is the ultimate sci fi horror film. It features one of the best female characters in cinema in the form of Ellen Ripley, and it has some very memorable and creepy moments.

2) Alien 3

This is a shock, right? You thought I'd for for Aliens. Nope. Alien 3, baby. I like this one, I know most seem to hate it. It probably helps that I've only seen the directors cut of it on blu ray. I never saw this in theaters because I was too busy being five. 

3) Alien vs Predator

I'm a sucker for these versus movies. Freddy vs Jason amused me too. My friend and I got in a huge debate while we were waiting for this movie to start over who should properly win in this fight (I voted Alien) Nobody gives a fuck about the humans in this movie, we're here for the monsters.


  1. Alien is obviously the best film that can being picked from this category. The video game is superb as well (Isolation I think it's called). Like you I have only seen the director's cut of Alien 3, which is actually pretty good.

    1. Alien Isolation is terrifying! I (bravely) finished it and never went back because I don't think I could handle that amount of stress ever again haha.

    2. I've never played the video game. I'm glad someone else likes Alien 3, I'm usually met with "...really?" in that regard.

    3. What's scarier than an Alien movie, probably an Alien video game. I've played one of them before and it was scary, the sound effects just makes you jump.

    4. Ha, I apparently I missed out with this video game.

  2. While I prefer Aliens the original Alien is a great suspenseful movie with terrific performances from all but none more so than Sigourney Weaver. There's few tougher than Ellen Ripley.

    I was mightily disappointed in Alien 3 but I've only seen the theatrical version. Weaver was still great but the movie was wanting.

    I've never seen Alien vs. Predator and not being much of either a sci-fi nor a horror fan probably never will. It fits well though.

    I really had a tough time this week since this isn't a genre that I gravitate towards to the point that I watched two of my three picks (the first & last) just to make the list complete without going with the best known films. The first was okay but the last is dreadful and only included so that I didn't watch it for nothing!

    Hollow Man (2000)-Scientist Sebastian Caine (Kevin Bacon) and his team (including Elisabeth Shue and Josh Brolin) invent a serum that produces invisibility. They test it on Caine and he vanishes but something goes wrong and they can’t rematerialize him. As the team struggles to reverse the process Caine’s grip on reality begins to slip away.

    The Fly (1986)-Scientist Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum) invents a teleportation device, then decides to test it on himself. What he doesn’t realize is a housefly is in the device during the process, causing a comingling of man and insect. As the fly's cells begin to take over his body and he becomes increasingly fly-like his girlfriend (Geena Davis) must stand by helpless in horrified disbelief as he deteriorates into a monster. What separates this from the norm is the perfect casting of Jeff Goldblum in the lead, his gawky angularity suggesting a fly-like physique even before he begins to transform. He and Geena Davis share a great chemistry, no surprise they were briefly married after this film. Directed by David Cronenberg.

    Monster A Go-Go (1965)-Astronaut Frank Douglas (Henry Hite) and his rocket disappear on their way back to earth and the next thing you know there’s a series of murders happening where the victim’s blood is turned to powder. Could they be related and who is the enormous rotting man roaming the countryside while people toil and look at papers in what appears to be a high school science lab? Nonsensical story atrociously acted with production values not even worthy of a grade school project, see if you can keep count of how many times the camera wobbles, it happens in almost every scene. One of the worst movies ever made this is inept in EVERY way, the best thing about it is its title.

    1. The Fly is super popular this week, and I'm the only one so far that picked Alien. That surprises me.

  3. My movie blogger credit is going down the train but I think I haven't seen any Alien movies from beginning to end... ever. I'm not thrilled about watching them either, maybe it was my lukewarm experience with Prometheus that finally closed that possible door.

    1. Alien is far better than Prometheus, it has a completely different feel too.

  4. I too prefer Aliens over Alien yet you can't go wrong w/ both of these films. Alien 3 is my least favorite film of the series while I didn't really care for Alien vs. Predator.

  5. I sense a theme and they are all terrifying. I haven't seen the 'vs' film but I'm just assuming it is.

  6. I have yet to see any Alien movies and probably won't because I am way too scared. I have seen parts of it but when that thing comes out John Hurt's stomach, I turn the channel. My hubby had something on and it was in a hospital, Alien was sucking out the insides of this pregnant lady. That is the only part I saw and it still unnerves me.

    1. Alien isn't something I'd recommend for anyone that hates scary movies. Normally, I don't think sci fi movies are that frightening, but Alien definitely is.

  7. THAT scene in ALIEN is definitely iconic. Every time I see John Hurt somehow I kept imagining this scene, well I guess he lives up to his own name, ahah.

  8. Love that you went all Alien! Definitely the best films, especially the original, for this week.

  9. oh my God. I hate Aliens but at least it's coherent Alien 3 is...truly special :) But I do like the atmosphere of it

  10. So I've only seen the original Alien, not any of the sequels (unless you count whatever Prometheus was). I really need to get on that.

  11. Yay, a theme within a theme! Love the original Alien. I'm not so big on part 3, but props for going there. AvP is dumb fun.

    1. Most of those vs movies are dumb fun. I have a soft spot for Freddy vs Jason too.

  12. OMG YES! When I think sci-fi horror, I immediately think of Alien! Aliens would definitely be classified in Sci-Fi Action, so I'm not surprised that you left that one out. Alien3 is very worthy to be on this list; it's suuuuppppper eerie! I re-watched it recently and, despite it's many flaws, still terrifies me.


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