2014 Blind Spot Series: 12 Angry Men

What I knew going in: That this film spends the majority of the time in one room.

I had a really strange experience while watching this film. There was the fact that I couldn't take my eyes off my computer screen while I was watching this. (It's on Netflix Instant right now) but at one point in the film, it starts raining, and I felt like I could actually smell it. Apparently it's possible to get TOO into a movie. Has that ever happened to anyone else?

12 Angry Men follows a jury as they deliberate over a murder charge. A young man from a troubled home as killed his father, and everyone except Juror #8 (Henry Fonda) thinks he's guilty. Now they must go over the facts and debate on whether or not that is the case.

Like I said, this film was fascinating. I imagine it's hard to make a feature length film in one location and have it work every step of the way. I've seen films like this before, but none as good as this one. I can see why so many people speak so highly of this.

Grade: A+

Memorable Quote: "You don't really mean you'll kill me, do you?" - Juror #8 (Henry Fonda)


  1. I loved this movie. It takes talent to be able to pull out so much tension and suspense in a story which basically can be summed up as "a bunch of guys sit in a room and argue for two hours". Henry Fonda was also really good, as usual.

    I think I might have had that feeling as well with my blindspot for this month. While watching some of the storm scenes in All is Lost I actually started to feel really cold.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a strange experience like that. And you're right, this is so much more than "a bunch of guys sit in a room and argue." lol

  2. I am so glad that you have enjoyed this movie Brittani and I find it very impressive that Sidney Lumet did a film this amazing in his debut. Also, I do wish you the best of luck in your remaining blind spots of the year.

    1. I didn't even realize this was his debut. That's even more impressive.

  3. Oh yeah it's such a great film. I saw it on one of our lectures in law school a long time ago but it's just timeless and so memorable.

    About smelling the rain film, I actually felt as if it was raining outside my window and it wasn't while watching Se7en lately. It all depends on amazing atmosphere of the film I guess

    1. Must be, and Se7en is definitely a rainy one...now I want to re-watch that as well.

  4. One of my All time Top 5!

    I obviously love everything about this film but one of the things that makes it great in my opinion is the way it builds tension with nothing but dialogue. And he does that in a single room. If you are interested, look for various tricks he did to make it more claustrophobic. It is fascinating. So glad you liked it too.

    1. I definitely noticed the feel he had going on there. And you're right, it's wonderful how much tension he builds with dialogue.

  5. Glad you got to see this one, it truly is a cinematic treasure. SDG is absolutely right about looking closely to see what tricks Lumet used to make it feel claustrophobic. This is a masterpiece far as I'm concerned.

  6. I saw this back in high school I think during my Freshman or Sophomore year. One of those old films that I saw that I really liked. It still holds up.

    1. I'm glad to hear it holds up for multiple viewings. I kind of want to watch it again.

  7. This was the first classic B&W film I saw, and it really opened my eyes as a teenager. It really is a flawless film.

  8. This was an amazing film. It became impossible for me to take my eyes off the screen; I was that hooked.

  9. I love your description of how absorbed you got in this movie! That is so cool.

    This is a wonderful movie. I read the play in high school, and it has stuck with me all these years. I finally saw the film adaptation about a year ago.

  10. It was impressive how engaging this film was. Everything about it was so basic - the set design, cinematography and art direction so it relied quite heavily on the power of its performances and deliberation of the script-work. I'd highly recommend reading the play. It was so fascinating I finished it in one sitting.

    Glad to hear that enjoyed it so much and very well written!

    1. It really was a good example of how something can be basic, but can be elevated to so much more.

  11. Oh this is one I'm very curious to see! I actually own it as part of a legal movies box set that was given to me. I saw a BBC miniseries The Jury that was focuses more about the lives of each juror, but this one is especially intriguing as it takes place entirely in one room. Glad to see it lived up to the high praise!

  12. Fantastic film! A+ sounds about right :)

    12 Angry Men is one of those "show it to people who hate old movies to convince them that old movies can be good" kind of movies.

    1. Definitely. I'm not the biggest classic movie watcher, but this was great.

  13. Thrilled that you loved this one, which used to be in my top 10 of all time. It's such a brilliant little movie.

    1. This film is definitely high on my favorites list now.


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