Review: Guardians of the Galaxy

The people who wrote 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough' must be so rich.

Seriously, how many movies is that song in? It's EVERYWHERE.

Peter Quill (Chris Pratt) is a scavenger from Earth who calls himself "Starlord." he steals a mysterious orb to sell to someone, but soon finds out it's far more important than he thought. Ronan (Lee Pace) is after him for it, and he must band together with a group of misfits who all have their reasons for fighting against Ronan as well. There's Gamora (Zoe Saldana) a daughter of Thanos, who Ronan was working for. She wants them all dead. Rocket and Groot (Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel) are bounty hunters who are in it for the money, and Drax (Dave Bautista) had his family murdered by Ronan and wants revenge. 

I never did get into the Guardian comics like I did some of the others in the Marvelverse, so I knew the least about them, and went in pretty blind. This is definitely the funniest film Marvel has put out. I had a feeling it would be, but I didn't think it would be so consistent about it. Another thing that pleasantly surprised me was Dave Bautista. I know him as Batista, from WWE. He was a big time wrestler, but he's also one that I think has zero charisma. My eyes rolled when I heard he was in this, but I actually think I enjoyed him the most. It's nice to be proven wrong like that.

Visually, this film is absolutely stunning. It might as well just take the Visual Effects Oscar now. I was so impressed. The soundtrack was wonderful and the film is open ended enough so that there is plenty of story to tell afterwards. Plus John C. Reilly, Michael Rooker, and Benicio del Toro are in there for a few, and you really can't go wrong with that.

But you can go wrong with the after the credits scene, which is absolutely pointless and not worth sitting through. Seriously, unless you're a massive Howard the Duck fan, it's fucking stupid. 

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B

Memorable Quote: "I wasn't listening. I was thinking of something else." - Drax (Dave Bautista)


  1. Apparently Bautista took up acting lessons as soon as he was cast. Fair play to the guy, he really surprised me too.

  2. My husband loved this movie, but the kids seemed kind of lukewarm about it. I haven't seen it yet, but based on your review I think I will enjoy it. I think a film based on comics needs consistent humor to work. Also this has a great cast.

    1. You're definitely right about humor. Only Nolan is allowed to make comic movies into dramas. lol

  3. I went into the cinema completely clueless and I really did enjoy it. That after credits scene was rubbish though! Great review :)
    - Allie

  4. was the only Marvel film I sat through the credits for and was totally confused. I knew who the duck was, but the relevance? Beats me. Had no idea that Dave Bautista was a wrestler, don't think it has big audience in the UK, so I am generally surprised to hear he is wrestler because he was so good.

    1. Yes, not only is he a wrestler but he's an extremely bland one. I was shocked.

  5. Nice review Brittani - completely agree about the end credits scene - what a letdown! Ahh well, didn't take the shine off an awesome movie IMO:

  6. I'm too lazy to find out, but I wouldn't be surprised if the '"Ain't no mountain high enough" song is probably owned by Disney in someway just like Marvel. Disney owns everything now! :)

    Batista is still a massive guy, but just like his Wrestlemania appearance this year, I actually noticed him much less muscular and toned compared to his early 2000s days!

    1. Still the most ripped Grandpa around. Complete with nose ring. lol

  7. Darn it, now I'm really keen to see this film, if only I didn't end up going on vacation the day it came out. I was already curious enough to see the film just to find out how some guy's prosthetic leg played into Rocket's escape plan but now I'm just super excited about the whole thing.

  8. I blinked and the after credits scene was over. I honestly understood nothing. But I was, too, really pleasantly surprised with this film, really glad you liked it too! I haven't laughed this hard since Wolf of Wall Street!

  9. I liked the movie a lot, I still cannot believe that was Cooper's voice! I wouldn't give it anything above 8 as many do, but it was very entertaining and indeed it looked so beautiful

    1. I don't think I would've guessed that was Cooper's voice if I hadn't known beforehand either.

  10. Gaw that dumb end scene. I heard it was Disney rubbing it into Marvel's face. I guess for years Disney tried to sue Marvel saying that Howard was too much like Donald Duck or something. Now Disney owns it so they were like poking fun at Marvel or some crap. Terrible Terrible.

  11. I liked this more than Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The humor and off-beat tone were great, and the cast actually had great chemistry. Plus, it's nice to see Pratt in a lead role.

    1. I'm loving leading man Pratt as well. I think I liked Winter Soldier better, but I loved how funny this was.

  12. This is a family-friendly Marvel Adventure based on the comics. Kind of fun to have less-glamorous less-than-strictly-amazing-super-heros banding together to form The Guardians of the Galaxy... a quirky team that bands together and becomes super-heros in their own rights by the end of the movie.


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