Rambling TV: True Blood recap + thoughts on Jonah From Tonga

So I'm super late with this recap. I was out of town for work over the weekend, and didn't get to watch this until last night. I'm torn about the dumb fuckery in this episode. Some things I found really sweet, others were so fucking stupid I can't even believe True Blood wasted 8 episodes getting to that conclusion. 

Oh wait, yes I can.

Eric drinks from Sarah's blood to cure himself from Hep V. He was about to just kill her, when Pam threatened to kill herself if he does. That gif above is when she's watching him get cured. That's also the face I'm going to make when Eric and Sookie finally have sex again.

They're informed by Mr. Gus that he doesn't want to distribute 'New Blood' as a total cure. He wants it to be something vamps need to take over and over so he can make more money. Pam and Eric are fine with this because it's more money for them too, but there's one little problem. Bill.

Earlier Bill and Sookie are talking about what Sophie Anne actually wanted to do with Sookie once Bill found her. Apparently she wanted to breed her. Sookie is understandably disgusted. Bill also says he didn't give her up because she made him feel his human heart again. Eric wanted Sookie to know he was cured, so he pays her a visit at Bill's, Sookie drops the bomb that Bill is sick, and Eric is now in a hell of a predicament because New Blood isn't going to be a flat out cure anymore.

Violet has Adilynn, Wade, Jessica and now Jason tied up in her dungeon and she's going on about the various ways she's going to torture them...only to be shot by Hoyt. This entire scene was about 2 minutes. Nice fucking build up there. I didn't care about Violet enough so I'm glad she's gone and won't waste anymore screen time, but now what are these people going to do?

In the midst of all this, Jessica and Hoyt meet again, and he's obviously smitten for her. Mind you, earlier in the episode his girlfriend and him get in a fight over not wanting kids, so she sticks to Jason for the rest of the episode. (He wants kids) I liked seeing Jessica and Hoyt together again. That was really sweet, but how is Jessica going to keep what happened in her past to herself?

Lafayette and Lettie Mae are still digging around in the yard of her old house. The Reverend shows up, and James convinces them all to go on a V trip to see Tara. They do, and we're "treated" to a flashback of Tara's dad being a total a-hole, and Tara actually considered killing him as a child with his own gun, but she buried it instead. She wants Lettie Mae to let her go.

What a fucking waste of time. I was hoping Lettie Mae had actually staked her, and this was Tara's way of letting Lafayette (the medium who apparently now needs V to see the undead) but no, we get some soap opera shit instead. Who did Rutina Wesley piss off exactly? 

Sookie shows up at Fangtasia to talk to Eric, but the Yakuza question her. Eric pretends to glamour Sookie to get her to leave (that scene was actually pretty funny) but instead she sneaks in through Fangtasia's tunnel to find out Sarah Newlin is the cure. "Even when you're the cure, you're still the fucking problem." she tells her. Later, she brings Bill and Jessica to the basement to meet Eric and Pam, who are pissed she came and want this to be done quickly so they all don't get killed.

Bill decides he doesn't want the cure. 

Now I'm convinced Bill will die. I figured he would live and he and Sookie would be together, but now I'm not so sure. Ausiello over at EW said "the most anticipated sex scene ever" is coming up. Is that Sookie and Eric with his memory intact? Pam and Eric? Sookie and Sam? Who knows. Another theory a friend on another forum threw out is: What if Sookie's blood ends up turning Bill back into a human instead of killing him? I will fucking rage if this happens, but it's True Blood so that is honestly a possibility.

Jonah From Tonga

Last Year when Ja'mie: Private School Girl premiered on HBO, I was introduced to Australian national treasure Chris Lilley. This guy is fucking hilarious, and Jonah from Tonga so far is living up to the high bar Ja'mie set.

God I hope my own kids don't end up like Jonah when they're older. So many awful dick jokes. 

Here's a picture of Melissa McBride as Carol on The Walking Dead. She's absolutely stunning. How many women in their 40's in film rock their grey hair? And some people within TWD fandom have the nerve to call her things like "sea hag," "lunch lady arms," "old bitch" etc. Fuck them. Team Carol.


  1. McBride is a gorgeous woman and her hair really suit her, so few women would look good like that but she rocks it and she would probably look worse with another color. This is really a fucked up world where graceful women in her what 40's or 50's is called names and someone like fucking JLaw is called a great beauty.

    If Bill dies I'd cheer so much. He is so boring.

    1. It is. It drives me nuts when I see people ragging on her appearance. She even said in an interview she wished she would've died her hair before taking the part of Carol. No! Fuck them, your hair is fabulous.

  2. Why am I getting the feeling that the ending of True Blood will be extremely hella-stupid? Maybe with some lame twist that Sookie dreamt all of that up and then wakes up to find Bill sleeping in the bed next to her realizing that it was all a crazy dream. If they did that, then HBO needs to reimburse us for all of that time that was wasted on that fucking show.

    1. I hope even TB wouldn't do something quite that stupid! I don't have high hopes for the finale at all, especially when they've still wasted our time with pointless stories this season.

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I agree. Her story line was worthless and I don't think anyone cared enough about Lettie Mae to the point of wanting her redeemed or not. They easily could've found something better for Tara and Lafayette to do.

  4. Carol in the Walking Dead is bad ass.. and what is wrong with rocking grey. I mean.. if zombies were chasing my ass I sure as hell wouldn't go around dying my hair. Please.

    1. ^Exactly. Carol is the best. (and I'm glad so many people that read my blog agree lol)

  5. Have you seen Summer Heights High? That's the original series where Ja'mie and Jonah came from. Pretty much the funniest comedy I've ever seen really, Mr G is hilarious! (I hope he gets his own spin-off show one day too)

    1. No, but I saw HBO just uploaded it on HBO Go, so I will be checking it out! Everyone always says I should watch it.


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