Guilty Pleasures Blogathon

The lovely ladies over at Flick Chicks are hosting a new blogathon ! They ask us to name some of our favorite guilty pleasures. Here are the rules: 1 - You can choose and discuss as many or as few movies as you like. We both did a Top 10, but you can just choose 1 movie if you like. Just tell us a bit about the movie and why you like it so much. 2 - Please create a new post for our Blogathon, rather than linking an old post you may have already done. 3 - Please include our Blogathon Banner anywhere in your post 4 - The deadline for entries is Sunday, 31st August, so there's plenty of time! I used to post Guilty Pleasure reviews occasionally, but it's been over a year since I've done one. I decided to post a top 5 here, even though I'm sure I have many more. 1) Drop Dead Gorgeous This 1999 comedy features some awfully over the top Minnesota accents, Kirsten Dunst and a blonde Amy Adams. It's one of my favorite chick flicks, yet most people ...