Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Origin Stories

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves had to start somewhere. Today we're talking about TV origin stories. This is a category that can be pretty hit or miss for me personally, so I'm including some hits and some misses in my picks. Here's what I came up with. 1) Better Call Saul - The gold standard for TV prequels as far as I'm concerned. I cut cable last year, and the only show I haven't been able to watch in real time as a result of this is BCS and it makes me so sad. I've managed to thankfully avoid spoilers for the new season, so hopefully Netflix gets it soon. 2) Gotham - I think I made it through about 6 episodes of this before dropping it. I was initially very into a Lt. Gordon origin story, but I didn't like the actors or the story. I never went back. 3) Fear The Walking Dead - The first season of this show was actually quite good, but I dropped it around the 3rd because it stopped being about the origin of the zombie apocalypse ...