2024 Blind Spot Series: Eyes Without A Face

Official synopsis: A surgeon (Pierre Brasseur) causes an accident which leaves his daughter (Edith Scob) disfigured and goes to extreme lengths to give her a new face. I fell off the wagon with my Blind Spots the last few months. A lot of what I wanted to watch isn't available on streaming, so I had to pivot a bit. I was hoping to make this my October watch, but I can't count on this to still be around then. I'm about 3 months behind, but hopeful I'll be able to catch up in the coming months. Summer always tends to distract me. I'd rather be outside. What surprised me the most about this film was how graphic it was. It's nothing like the gore and body horror you see today, but I was legitimately surprised with what they showed considering this film was made in 1960. I expected nearly everything to be off screen, but they really get into it. It's very foreboding. You legitimately fear for all the women that the surgeon and his assistant come across. You al...