Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Holidays

And now for the final TV theme of 2021! Thank you so much, Wanderer for keeping up with the TMP tradition. The last theme is TV shows focusing on Holidays. I've used pretty much all my favorite shows already this year, but here's what I managed to put together. 1) The Office - This show is often playing for background noise in my house, so it was easy to think of the Christmas Party episode in season 2. 2) The Brady Bunch - I wanted to pick at least one classic show for this theme, and the Brady Bunch Christmas episode was the first that came to mind. 3) Rugrats - I also wanted to pick something Hanukkah related so I went with one of the shows from my childhood. Living in a small Midwestern town, I'm fairly sure this show was the first time I had even heard of the Jewish holiday, and I'm thankful for it.