Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Book to Show Adaptations

This week's TV theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is all about the written word making it to the small screen. There's plenty of examples out there and it was easy to pick my top three. 1) Game of Thrones This is one of my all time favorite shows and I'll be so sad to see it end this year. It's not always perfect when it comes to adapting from the books, but some of the most exceptional hours of TV have been from this show. 2) Sharp Objects I love Gillian Flynn's books and putting this one in mini series form was perfect. The entire cast was wonderful and I thought the slight changes they made were all for the better. 3) The Handmaid's Tale Now this one I actually like better than the book. The book left me wanting a lot more whereas the show expands on every loose end Margaret Atwood left behind.