This Is How I Work Blogathon

This excellent idea for a blogathon comes from the lovely Mariah at A Space Blogyssey. Since my own work life has been a bit ridiculous lately, I spectacularly missed the cut off date for this one. (My drafts folder is ridiculous) So hopefully no one minds my late entry - totally unacceptable for work by the way. It's less about the movies, and more about the blogger process. She asks us to answer these simple questions:

What apps can you not live without? - Twitter and Netflix. Twitter is my #1 way to stay in touch with my fellow film fans. There are no video stores near me so Netflix is how I rent and stream. Plus, being the mother of a three year old, Netflix is so nice to have at a restaurant. 

What is your favorite blogging app? I don't actually blog with any aps. I think Blogger's mobile app is genuinely terrible. I do it all on my computer.

What gadgets (besides your phone) you can't live without? My lap top, obviously. I'm way too addicted to the internet. Also my iPod, because I'm still a loser who uses that for music instead of having it all on my phone.

What lifehacks make your life easier? Exercise is a big one. I love getting out to run, rollerblade, or ride bike with only my music to listen to. Reading is very soothing as well. 

Where do you get your news? BBC is my main news site now that CNN's new web page is so ugly and not user friendly. Though a lot of the times I just click links people tweet.

What are your favorite social media apps? Twitter by far because it's my favorite form of social media. Tumblr is nice too, but the ap itself needs some work, particularly with the tagging system.

How do you blog? I typically blog early in the morning before I go to work, or in the evenings after I've put my little one to bed. I always schedule my blog posts for 6:30am, because that's around the time I get to my office and I can just tweet them out before I start working. 

What is your day job? I work in a rehabilitation facility for teenagers. 


  1. Replies
    1. And that is so cool you work in a rehab centre for young people. That is where I will be in a year, hopefully!! Fingers crossed!

    2. Good luck with that! I don't have a follow by email option enabled. I always put my blog posts on Twitter.

    3. And you can also follow on Blogger like normal. On the right side of my blog under "Heroes" click "Join this site"

  2. Hi Brittani! I apologize for not commenting sooner. I've been out of town for the longest conference ever. I love your entry. It's funny that all the bloggers I've seen so far get most of our news from twitter! I have really enjoyed learning how everyone works. We do some things the same, but so many other things differently! It's wonderful. Thanks for participating.

    1. Thanks for hosting! This was a fun idea, and I'm sorry I was late. Twitter is just so easy for news. I'm pretty sure every celebrity death in the past five years I've learned about on Twitter first.

  3. Shit. If Netflix charged more when it was being watched in a restaurant, I'd have to take out a second mortgage. It is a lifesaver, both home and anywhere else.

    I love the idea of doing anything before work, especially blogging. I would love to get up and be productive before I absolutely have to be, but I always sleep in. Reason: I was up late blogging.

    I think I just blew my own mind.

    Great post!!

    1. lol. I don't know what it's like to sleep in anymore. My kid is up at 7:00 no matter what, and even when it's my turn to sleep in (My husband and I each get a day to get up with him on the weekends) It's never past 9:00am.

  4. I never would have guessed your day job and yet it makes complete sense and I kind of love it.

    1. Now it makes sense why I was extra,extra pissed at the Duggars for minimizing abuse. lol

  5. Wow.... I couldn't answer these questions. I don't have a smartphone or anything. I don't use apps at all.

    All I have is the laptop and my brain. That is all I need.

    1. I can't live without a smart phone. I need internet everywhere, I'm too hooked. lol

  6. i love reading this. i actually have used the blogger app on my ipad, but that's about it.

    1. I tried using it on my phone and it was just sloppy. I couldn't do any of the things I can on my laptop, so I just gave up.

  7. Awesome post! Basically, all I need is my laptop, iPhone, Twitter, Blogger, Netflix, and Spotify, and I'm good. LOL, I haven't used my iPod in ages.

    1. Mine actually has a shattered screen and I'm too lazy to go pay for it to be fixed lol. I can't live without my phone and lap top.

  8. Some really good facts about yourself and where you work. I agree. Twitter is great way to stay connected with film fans. I too stream most of my movies and if my laptop ever crashed. I would I would.... ummm Im afraid to answer that now. Great post

    1. Yeah, I don't know what I'd do without my computer. I went crazy the few days I didn't have one when I was in between buying a different laptop. They only allow you two hours of internet time at the library! lol

  9. Nice post! Ugh, the blogger app is atrocious. I'll start a post on there and then it won't show up on my account online.

    1. Yeah, it's trash. I haven't even tried messing with it in years.

  10. I love these posts, it's kind of fascinating to peek behind the curtain!

    1. Yeah, it's been fun reading everyone's entries to these. Very different from any other blogathon I've done.


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