Thursday Movie Picks: Road Trip Movies

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is road trip movies! And no, I'm not actually picking the movie called Road Trip. Here are my favorites. 

1) Little Miss Sunshine

I'm not even going to try to be original with my first pick. I love Little Miss Sunshine and I expect it to be on everyone's list. But how could it not be? It's so perfect for this theme.

2) The Go-Getter

This movie is an indie darling's dream: It has Lou Taylor Pucci, Jena Malone, and Zooey Deschanel in it. It's very charming and original.

3) Into the Wild

Oh Emile Hirsch. Before you were choking out women you were an actor I really enjoyed, particularly in this film about a doomed escape that certainly counts as a road trip, IMO. 

Bonus: Zombieland


  1. I love Little Miss Sunshine too! such a poignant and uplifting film. Can't say the same for Into the Wild and I haven't seen The Go-Getter

    1. You should check out the Go-Getter if you ever get the time. It's sweet.

  2. Um...why have I not seen The Go-Getter?

    1. Because it played absolutely nowhere when it was in theaters lol. It was at Sundance though, so there's that.

  3. Excellent post. I would also like to invite you to participate in my upcoming blogathon in August. The link is below with more details

  4. Love your first pick! Little Miss Sunshine not only fits the theme perfectly its such a terrific film full to the brim with wonderful performances.

    Into the Wild had its moments but ultimately I didn't care for it, it fits here well however.

    Never heard of The Go-Getter but I'll definitely be checking it out. Not so much with Zombieland.

  5. LOVE Little Miss Sunshine. Also love Into the Wild, but a lot of that comes from love for the book and the fact that I share an alma mater with Chris - Emory University.

    1. That's really cool! I loved Into The Wild and Hirsch's performance.

  6. I was gonna participate but then I haven't seen too many Road Trip movies. I'd pick Little Miss Sunshine too though, such a good movie!

    1. I'm not surprised at all that many other chose it. It's perfect.

  7. Ugh, I hate Into the Wild. Found the.whole thing an exploration in stupidity. Sorry, had to get that out of the way.

    I absolutely love Little Miss Sunshine and Zombieland. Almost picked that last one, myself. Great movies. Haven't even heard of The Go-Getter.

    1. lol it's okay. You're not exactly wrong in that statement. Chris was pretty reckless.

  8. The Go-Getter!!!! YAY!!!! Any film that has Lou Taylor Pucci, pre-twee Zoey Deschanel, and Jena Malone (in lingerie stockings) doing a tribute to Bande a Parte is a win.

  9. I knew Little Miss Sunshine would be a popular one but how could you not include it? It's perfect! I haven't seen your other picks but I'm going to check them out! :)
    - Allie

    1. Thanks! :) Now I want to watch Little Miss Sunshine again. lol

  10. Little Miss Sunshine is fantastic, quite perfect for the week's theme. I still have to see the rest of your picks!

    1. If you ever check them out, I hope you enjoy them!

  11. I like Zombieland out of these the most :D Though the longer I live, the more I just want to walk the Earth like that dude in Into the Wild

    1. LOL I can totally understand the "fuck it" mentality sometimes.

  12. I haven't seen The Go-Getter, nor have I heard of it. But the other two (and your bonus) are great picks! I wouldn't have considered Into the Wild, but that is a great movie. Perfectly fitting!

  13. Zombieland is such a cool choice, and Little Miss Sunshine and Into the Wild are nice picks, too. Ugh, I need to see The Go-Getter.

    1. I hope you like the Go-Getter when you get around to it.


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