Thursday Movie Picks: Rivalries

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves is Rivalries. There's plenty to chose from this week, so allow me to get to it so I can post quicker than my rivals...or something.

1) Bring It On

You don't get much better than a rivalry between the Toros and the Clovers. I lived for this movie as a teen, and I still think it's good fun now. 

2) Talladega Nights

Ricky Bobby and Jean Girard's Nascar rival made for a hilarious film. I loved the fake commercials they did at the end of the credits too. "If you don't like Big Red then fuck you!"

3)  Black Swan

Nina may think Lily is her biggest rival, but in all actuality, her rival is with herself. 


  1. I haven't seen Talladega Nights but the other two are excellent picks. I wasn't expecting much from Bring It On and while it's no classic it was a fun flick. Black Swan is so dark but the acting makes it, love Barbara Hershey's performance as the mother.

    Again so many to choose from so this week was a snap.

    The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)-Lavish version of the Dumas story of rivalry over a woman, one friend’s betrayal of another leading to an island imprisonment and the revenge extracted upon escape by the Count of Monte Cristo. Excitingly directed with beautiful production design and two robust lead performances by Jim Caviezel and Guy Pearce. A just starting out Henry Cavill has a prominent role in the latter half of the film.

    Happy Gilmore (1996)-Temperamental and frustrated hockey player Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler) discovers he needs to find some way to save his grandmother’s house. As he’s mocking someone for liking golf he finds he has a powerful swing and on a lark enters the PGA tour where he quickly incurs the enmity of a star of the circuit, Shooter McGavin (Christopher MacDonald). They become rivals for the prize with Shooter resorting to ever more drastic measures. Not a classic but from the period when Sandler was at least trying to make an effort to turn out entertaining films.

    The War of the Roses (1989)-Oliver and Barbara Rose (Michael Douglas & Kathleen Turner) were once a happily married couple and through the years have acquired a couple of kids, a comfortable life and a beautiful home. But those days are over and while the two freely admit they want out of their commitment to each other what neither wants is out of their house. So begins a fierce combative rivalry for sole ownership with the lengths each will go to escalating to fearsome heights to emerge the victor as their divorce attorney D’Amato (Danny DeVito) takes it all in from the sidelines.

    Like the new site design.

    1. I've seen your first two. I used to love Happy Gilmore. I got in trouble in school once for saying "the price is wrong, bitch!" in the hallway. War of the Roses I haven't see, but that sounds interesting.

    2. War of the Roses is amazing, you should totally see it!

  2. The second Black Swan I've seen today, I almost put it on myself. It's such a brilliant and haunting film. A set of really great picks, there! :-)

    1. I love Black Swan. It's such a wonderful film. I'm glad to hear someone else chose it too. I'm off to read now.

  3. Great choices. I too love Black Swan, very intense and Natalie Portman is so committed to the part.

    1. Agreed. Easily her best performance, those Jackie is also close.

  4. The Prestige is probably the best rivalry movie I've seen - a lifetime of subversion, obsession, and...MAGIC

    1. I agree, that one is popular this week. Great film.

  5. Bring It On was fun, but Black Swan is my favourite of the three. It was so twisted and Natalie Portman was amazing.

  6. Yey so happy to see so many Swans this Thursday :)

  7. Love that we're getting a wide variety of picks this week. Bring It On and Talladega Nights are lots of fun. The former is right in the wheelhouse of both my daughters so I can't tell you how many times I've watched that one. Black Swan is just flat out great.

    1. Bring it On was one of my favs as a teen too. I was obsessed with Kirsten Dunst.

  8. I love Talladega Nights because it's so stupid but so funny. I'm not sure I would ever want to meet Will Ferrell but he is funny as hell. I have not seen Bring It On but I have heard good things about it and never gave it a chance before. I hated Black Swan. My hubby and I just couldn't get into this flick at all...we refer to it as Psycho swan.

  9. Ah, 3 excellent choices. Talladega Nights of course is awesome as I love Black Swan. I have a soft spot for Bring It On. Its sequels are crap.

  10. LOVE Bring It On!!!! Almost picked it this week. It's so freaking GOOD. The best of the many teen flicks Kirsten Dunst made, and the best thing Eliza Dushku did outside of Buffy.

    Love Black Swan, too, but the rivalry wasn't enough of a part of it for me to consider it this week. But what you said made me rethink that a little, because it's SO TRUE. Her biggest rival is her own "black swan" hehehe.

    1. Kirsten Dunst made so many A+ teen movies. God, I love her.

  11. These are great picks! I especially like Black Swan.

  12. Love the new layout and cool picks! I loved Bring It On as a teen, and even still reference spirit fingers from time to time. :D

    1. Thank you! I still bust out a spirit fingers reference from time to time as well. lol

  13. Love Bring it On. Such a fun movie.

    and Black Swan...I would never have thought of that.


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