Thursday Movie Picks: Science Fiction - TV

Wanderer is spicing things up with Thursday Movie Picks and has included a few categories throughout the year where we can use TV shows. Being a TV addict, this is amazing. Today's theme is Science Fiction, and here are a few I love

1) Westworld

HBO's newest drama may look like a Western at first glance, but it's only a cover. Seeing how the "Hosts" are programmed and the "Guests" that interact with them is fascinating. 

2) The X-Files

I loved watching this show with my parents when I was a kid. It also introduced me to "shipping" even though I didn't know it at the time. I waited not so patiently for Mulder and Scully to get together. 

3) Space Cases
Anyone else remember this show on Nickelodeon? It was about 5 teenagers that randomly had a space ship. One of them had an imaginary friend that turned out to not be imaginary anymore when said actress quit the show.  


  1. I loved Westworld! I haven't' seen the other two but I want to see The X-Files

    1. The X Files get's really shitty in its last two seasons or so, but I love the older episodes.

  2. OMG SPACE CASES!!! I don't think I ever watched, but I remember the ads.

    We used to watch The X-Files as a family too! I remember it was a big deal when we got to stay up "late" on Sunday nights to watch it with them. LOVE that show.

    I just started watching Westworld and it's REALLY well done, but I am SO wary of shows that go all-in on mythology and backstory... my patience is just so low with so much good TV these days lol.

    1. You should keep at it with Westworld it's so good. The ending of this season was the perfect set up for next as well.

  3. Westworld just can't get enough love this week!
    It makes me sad that I've never watched X-Files, but aren't there 100's of episodes by now? Is it too late for me?!

    1. There are, but really only the first few seasons matter lol.

  4. I do want to see Westworld since I know the original film quite well. I watched all the episodes of the X-Files and used to tape them on my VCR-yup VCR:) I even remember seeing the original showing of that episode that is now banned-about incest which is pretty gross. I did love the FBI director who came on later one. The last TV show, I never watched but the girl's hair sparks a memory so i think I glanced on it...before changing the channel:)

    1. Home! I remember that episode too, it's actually one of my favorites since it's so creepy. You can rewatch it on Netflix.

  5. Going against the flow I think I've seen maybe two complete episodes of X-Files and I can't even swear to that! Just not my deal but I know its fans are ardent.

    I haven't seen the new Westworld, I don't have HBO, but I liked the original movie.

    I think Space Cases came along to late for me, my nieces and nephews probably know it. That picture though is scary!

    I'm not a big sci-fier so I rarely watched shows with that sort of theme but I do have these three that I loved.

    Firefly (2002)-A ragtag group of astronauts tour the galaxy in their rust bucket ship Serenity lead by cheeky leader Mal Reynolds (Nathan Fillion). Often not functioning as a harmonious whole due to squabbles between the opinionated crew they pull together when the going gets tough and manage to emerge from their scraps banged up but unbowed. Serio-comic sci-fi series with a strong cast was regrettably brief but did lead to a big screen sequel “Serenity”.

    My Favorite Martian (1963-1966)-Somewhat zany comedy of a stranded Martian (Ray Walston) taken in by young reporter Tim O’Hara (Bill Bixby) who uses the cover of being his Uncle Martin as he tries to repair his spaceship in an attempt to return home. While he works away the pair are confronted with many situations where Martin is constantly at risk of exposure. What could be idiotic is kept from being so by the skillful playing of Walston & Bixby as well as Pamela Britton who is simply aces as their charmingly addle-brained landlady Lorelei Brown. Adapted into a wretched decades too late feature in the 90’s.

    The Twilight Zone (1959-1964)-Trend setting anthology series created, hosted and largely written by Rod Serling. Generally but not always with either a science fiction or supernatural theme this weekly series was consistently eerie with a cavalcade of future stars, including Robert Redford, Elizabeth Montgomery, Charles Bronson and Robert Duvall, and top flight character actors-Agnes Moorehead, Gladys Cooper, Burgess Meredith etc.- in strong stories. For the length of time it ran the series stayed uniformly high in quality but has some episodes that have remained justly more famous than others…Eye of the Beholder, The Invaders, The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, Time Enough at Last, Nothing in the Dark, and my personal favorite The Hitch-Hiker among them.
    A small addendum: A moderately successful reboot of the series was done in the 80’s with varying results but there were some excellent episodes produced especially in the first season. Two directed by Wes Craven: the series’ first “Shatterday” starring Bruce Willis and “Her Pilgrim Soul” with Kristoffer Tabori and Anne Twomey are exceptional.

    1. My husband was really into Firefly. I watched it with him not too long after we first got together, but I wasn't as crazy about it as he was.

  6. I've only seen a handful of episodes of The X-Files. Didn't work for me. Never even heard of Space Cases. That pic makes it look all sorts of terrible.

    1. lol it was a late 90's Nickelodeon show so yeah, production wasn't great.

  7. We have Westworld in common! I was about to pick the X-Files as well, but the resurrection got me thinking not to expect from it anymore in the future.

    And it's surprising that you picked Space Cases. I kinda forgot it ever exists, but you remind me to it again.

    1. lol I forgot about it too until I saw this theme.

  8. I have Westworld in my list but I have never seen The X-Files believe it or not. Plus, I don't remember Space Cases.

    1. Wow, I would've thought you watched The X-Files. The first few seasons are great.

  9. I haven't heard of Space Cases. I will catch up with Westworld this year.

    1. I don't think it was on for very long, but I always remember it because of that girl's rainbow hair.

  10. I can't tell if my comment published, darn!

  11. Woo! Ed Harris shooting robots! Woo! :P

  12. I haven't heard of Space Cases but the others I know, obviously! :D

    I don't think I've seen The X Files from start to finish but my flatmate watched it and she loved it! I don't know when my time will come to watch all of it. :P

    1. You don't really need to watch it in order. You get a good feel of it even when the episodes are out of place.

  13. Not heard of Space Cases but I do love Westworld. Such a great show.

    1. I'm starting to think no one remembers Space Cases except Dan and I. lol

  14. I want to watch looks good...for now I'm staying clear off spoilers.
    Never heard of Space Cases.

    1. Yes, try to go into Westworld as unspoiled as possible!


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