Thursday Movie Picks: Summer Blockbusters

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves celebrates everyone's favorite popcorn flicks: Summer blockbusters. There's so many to choose from, so I'm going to pick the ones that had memorable theater experiences for me. 

1) The Dark Knight

One of my all time favorite movies, I'll never forget the reaction of the audience when The Joker did his pencil trick. Gasps, "oooohhhhhs" then everyone clapped. I love moments like those, even if I barely heard the dialogue that followed.

2) The Avengers

I consider May a "summer" month. I'm in the super small minority that actually likes Age of Ultron better, even with its flaws. But I had so much fun seeing this in theaters, the audience about died when Hulk punched Thor out of frame during the big battle of New York. 

3) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

I love the Planet of the Apes prequels, and I went with this one specifically because of the above gif. Everyone in my theater sounded like they were laughing nervously at this. Like okay, there's an ape, riding a horse shooting machine guns. That's awesome, but kind of terrifying, right? I think Koba may be one of my favorite villains ever. 

Bonus: Iron Man, not for my theater's reaction during the film, but during the mid credits scene when Nick Fury showed up. Someone in a perfect Sam Jackson/Dave Chapelle impression yelled out "A MOTHERFUCKING SHARK ATE ME" 


  1. I haven't seen Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the first couple of POTA movies were enough for me, but the others are good picks. Of the other three I suppose Iron Man is my favored choice but I can't say I love any of them.

    This week was a snap since blockbusters have become such a big part of the summer planning of studios but it will be interesting to see which ones get picked. Here's three favs of mine.

    Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)-This will be brief since I’m guessing there isn’t a soul who hasn’t seen this or doesn’t know the story. Opening with a throwback to the adventure of Saturday serials we meet Indiana Jones professor and treasure hunter. Learning that the Ark of the Covenant is at risk of falling into Nazi possession he sets out to get it into the safe hands of Uncle Sam instead. Along the way he meets up again with Marion Ravenwood, daughter of his old partner and a girl he done wrong, who in many ways is as tough as he is. High adventure follows. Just a flat out good time at the movies. Made a mint on release.

    Total Recall (1990)-In the not too distant future Douglas Quaid (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is suffering from troubling dreams about battles on Mars. His wife (Sharon Stone) is dismissive of them but when he continues to have them he turns to Rekall Inc. a company that sell a different kind of vacation, implanted memories. But something happens when the memory is being placed and he ends up on Mars in a fight for his life…or is he? Very violent and convoluted but involving. Even now technically impressive and along with The Terminator the film that really put Arnold on top for a long time. Cost a fortune to make, made a fortune in theatres.

    Grease (1978)-Well summer vacation is over and Danny Zuko (John Travolta) leader of the T-Birds is back from a trip to Australia where he met the demure Sandy Olsson (Olivia Newton-John) and had some Summer Lovin’. He’s back in his leather jacket and ready to pick up with his gang where he left off but surprise Sandy is a transfer student to his high school and now he’s torn between his image as a tough guy and his love for goody two shoes Sandy, who has been taken under the wing of The Pink Ladies lead by Rizzo (a far too old but sensational anyway Stockard Channing). Teen angst 50’s style, drag racing, a pregnancy scare, cameos by lots of classic stars and a load of good songs follow in this peppy adaptation of the Broadway hit. Raked in the bucks for months on original release then did it again when it was re-released to theatres for its 20th anniversary.

    1. This has to be the first time I've seen all three of your choices! lol. Great picks.

      I 100% recommend the Planet of the Apes prequels. They're far better than the original, IMO.

  2. If I heard someone scream that. I totally would've laughed and cheered. These are three good picks. I went for something a little different as it relates to how good this summer film season has been so far.

  3. Get ready...I have seen all of your picks! 😀 Love the Ape movies and this is where, I find, the sequels seem to get better. I like The Avengers and find this series equally good. The Dark Knight is simply brilliant! I still feel great sadness with Heath Ledger's passing and can only imagine what could have been. I dare say he is on the level of James Dean. I have seen this film more than once but now want to see it again to see the pencil trick

    1. Ledger acts circles around Dean, imo.

      I've seen all three of these movies so many times lol

  4. Great picks! I should get to watching the Planet of the Apes movies soon.

    1. I definitely recommend them, and they keep getting better.

  5. I badly wish I was in the theater for that moment from Iron Man. I would have laughed my ass off. Love all your picks, by the way.

  6. I think TDK is overrated as hell but as a summer movie it was truly quality film making, nowadays summer films are just filled with stupid shit and garbage portal into the sky

  7. People clapping? Never happens in the UK which I am kind of glad about becase I am not the type to react with "oohs" and "aaaahs" to a film.

    Good picks, the apes series is up their with the best.

    1. Nice job with the Dunkirk review

    2. The only time I experience clapping is when I'm at the first showing of a movie, because you know those are the most enthusiastic fans.

  8. Never watched Dark Knight but Avengers and Apes movie are awesome. Nice blog and posts.


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