Thursday Movie Picks: Not Funny Comedies

Ahhh comedies. Those wonderful films that make us laugh. This week, Wanderer has something else in mind. She wants us to talk about comedies that fail at their job. The ones that just aren't funny. And oh, there are so many. I went with the first three that came to mind.

1) Semi-Pro

I love Will Ferrell. I talk about that often and he was on a roll with comedies in the mid 2000's. Then he stumbled hard with Semi-Pro. It didn't have nearly the flare that his other sports centered comedies Talladega Nights or Blades of Glory did. This had exactly one laugh. Thankfully he rebounded spectacularly the following year when Step Brothers came out. 

2) Freddy Got Fingered

I cannot for the life of me understand the appeal of Tom Green. So many of my classmates loved him. I was watching stupid shit like Jackass and Adam Sandler movies back then and I still never got on the Tom Green bandwagon. Freddy Got Fingered is honestly one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Calling it "stupid and gross" is probably the most polite way I can put it. 

3) Dude Where's My Car

Another stupid comedy from my teen years that had a huge following despite having no laughs and no plot. I still can't believe this 1) Was written as a feature length film 2) Bought by a big studio 3) Given a wide release. 


  1. Oh gosh...yes! The first film I never heard of which is a good thing and I do like Will Ferrell. Freddie I avoided like the plague as I dislike the actor also. I can't stand Ashton Kutcher and hope to never see this flick

    1. Freddy is so popular and I just don't get it. I hope you never see Dude Where's My Car either, it's bad.

  2. I haven't heard of any of these before and now I'm sure I'll never watch them.

  3. I've only seen bits of Dude, Where's My Car and that was plenty. I'm with you on Tom Green, even more puzzling is how Drew Barrymore married him! albeit briefly and if nothing else the title of the movie kept me away, though there was much more. I'm not a Will Ferrell fan so keeping away from Semi-Pro won't be tough.

    This week was a breezy since unfortunately there are many unfunny wannabe funny films. Like you I picked the first three that came to mind.

    All About Steve (2009)-Sandra Bullock, usually so charming and quirky makes a complete fool of herself in this alleged comedy about nothing so much as creepy stalkerism. A total misfire this is surely her worst film.

    My Boss’s Daughter (2003)-Young dude (Ashton Kutcher) agrees to housesit for his boss in the hopes of scoring points with both the boss and his daughter. But almost as soon as he takes residence a litany of guests and lowlifes including his boss’s son tramp through the place doing things that any rational person would never do in someone else’s home. SO very stupid and extremely vile. Unfunny in the extreme.

    Town & Country (2001)-Warren Beatty directed mishmash that sat on the shelf for years and deservedly sank like a stone on release. Just a terrible mess of a movie that has only the most tenacious plot line running through it. Stories are picked up and dropped willy nilly adding up to pretty much nothing. This notorious flop reportedly cost many, many millions of dollars but they certainly don't show on screen. Diane Keaton and Goldie Hawn try to do something with their parts although they are ill-served by the script. Everybody else goes down with the ship, poor Charlton Heston and Marian Seldes are made ridiculous in yet another totally needless subplot. A perfect example of a director and studio lucky enough to gather a great group of talent and then squander them totally.

    1. The only one of yours I've seen is My Bosses Daughter and I do not remember a single minute of it lol.

    2. Correction. Warren Beatty didn't direct Town & Country. That was Peter Chelsom. And yes, that movie sucked.

    3. I remember Town and Country getting trashed in reviews but that was a hard pass for me.

  4. Dude, Where's My Car? is OK but not that funny though there's a few moments that I liked such as the scene of a gigantic woman walking above a father and son on the latter's birthday party where the boy says "I wanna go on that ride" and the father says "me too son, me too".

    Semi-Pro is OK though mainly for Woody Harrelson who keeps the film from sucking. Yes, Freddy Got Fingered is awful as we share the same pick on that film. I know you can't watch Salo as a whole but believe me. I'd rather watch that all over again than watch another second of Freddy Got Fingered.

    1. You know, even though I chickened out while watching Salo, I'd probably stomach that over seeing fucking Freddy Got Fingered again.

      The one part of Dude Where's My Car that I remember at least laughing at was a part with an Emu, I think? Where it sticks it's head through the roof of their car? I can't remember it now.

  5. Wahhh I LOVE Dude Where's My Car! I can't even count how many times I've seen it...but then I haven't seen it since I really 'got into' movies, and now I'm scared to watch it again in case I come to see that it's actually terrible, ha!

    1. Nooooooooo! That's okay many of my friends still love this movie. Don't be ashamed lol

      I hate that feeling though, of realizing a movie you loved when you were younger is actually awful. That's happened to me before.

  6. I thought Semi-Pro was okay, but you're right about it not being anywhere near as good as Talladega Nights or Blades of Glory. I avoided those other two like the plague. Wise move by me.

  7. Dude Where's My Car - Saw this...but can't remember a thing.
    The other two, looked bad so didn't bother.

    1. The only thing I remember about Dude Where's My Car is hating it.


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