2017 Blind Spot Series: Jackie Brown

What I knew going in: I knew the actors in it, but not much of the plot.

Jackie Brown (Pam Grier) is a stewardess who smuggles money from Mexico for Ordell Robbie. (Samuel L. Jackson) She's busted one day by two officers. (played by Michael Keaton and Michael Bowen) Ordell sends his bondsman, Max Cherry (Robert Forster) to get Jackie out of jail. Jackie strikes up a deal to get the rest of Robbie's money to the officers to avoid jail time, but she plans on taking it for herself.

This almost felt like Tarantino-lite to me. I was expecting it to be as violent as his other films, so not seeing a ton of blood was surprising. What works the best is the cast. They're all wonderful in their roles, especially Pam Grier who carries this film wonderfully. I loved the chemistry between she and Robert Forester. 

For such a straight forward story it managed to catch me off guard a few times which is always appreciated. One thing I do regret doing is watching this after I had to get up and take a 5:00 am flight. I really felt the run time and I'm sure had I not been so tired I wouldn't have. Since it's on Netflix Instant, I at least know I have the opportunity to watch it again.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B

Memorable Quote: "I hope you felt appropriately guilty about it afterwards." - Ordell Robbie (Samuel L. Jackson)


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! And yes, Grier chemistry with Forester is amazing.

  2. The film is definitely one of Tarantino's best films and certainly his most underrated in comparison to the bigger and more violent films he's made. It's a film that has gotten better with each viewing as I just love every aspect of it. Especially the scenes with Pam Grier and Robert Forster.

    1. I can see that. I'm going to watch it again when I'm not so tired.

  3. I still have to see the Tarantino film and it's on my list to see. She was great in the '70s flicks.

    1. I haven't seen any of her 70's stuff. Ideas for next year's Blind Spot lol

  4. Really liked this one! I should watch more of Pam Grier's stuff, I liked her performance here.

  5. This is very close to PF as best Tarantino for me. I think it's his most mature movie. The performances are amazing, I love the ending and the fact Forester was nominated for it

    1. It's definitely his most mature movie, which is why it caught me off guard when I didn't see a bunch of blood spatter lol

  6. Ooh this is weird timing because I've just started catching up with Tarantino movies, and Jackie Brown might just be next on my list! I knew nothing about the plot till now, but it sounds good :)

    1. I hope you like it! It's the only one of his features that I've missed.

  7. I'm so glad you saw this one! I remember seeing this in 1998 and turning it off, simply because it wasn't Pulp Fiction, which I soooo wanted it to be. I agree, you can feel Jackie Brown's runtime, but damn if this thing didn't grow on me. I think time has been very kind to how cool this flick is.

    1. This is one I can easily see myself watching again and again. I'll probably do so before the end of the year.

  8. This (and Kill Bill Vol2) is the only Tarantino I've not seen and its the one that most people I know love.

    1. Kill Bill vol 2 is probably my least favorite Tarantino movie, which is amusing because Vol 1 is my favorite. I hope you like Jackie Brown when you see it.


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