Thursday Movie Picks: Technology

This week's Halloween theme at Wandering Through the Shelves is technology. If this were a TV week, I'd be talking about Black Mirror. But alas, we're here for films. This was kind of tough so I stretched it a bit. Here's three films that are somewhat scary and somewhat about technology

1) Red State

What's the tech? The internet of course. Three young men get an offer for sex online and instead of the orgy they thought they were heading to, they end up drugged in the middle of nowhere being held captive by religious fundamentalists who want to kill them. Kevin Smith goes way outside of his comfort zone at the time to direct this and I think he did a good job. 

2) Deathgasm

What's the tech? Electric guitar and various instruments and speakers. This band of bored New Zealand kids play a dark piece of music and summon an evil spirit back to their world. It's very campy and slightly gory. Someone even gets beat to death with a dildo. 

3) Videodrome

What's the tech? TV/VCRs. While Deathgasm goes the fun weird route, Videodrome just sticks with flat out weird. This was on my Blind Spot list last year and calling it "out there" doesn't do it justice. It's very sleazy but the atmosphere it sets is perfect. 


  1. Oh my....those religious nuts and sex. Seems to always be that way...I found out my former high school principal, a priest, was charged with child porn. That first movie sounds freaky but typical of these zealots. I haven’t seen the others either....Videodrome is just freaky

    1. A guy I went to high school with recently got charged for that too. So creepy.

  2. So Red State is loosely based on my future

  3. I can't believe I didn't think of Videodrome

  4. I've only seen Videodrome and it was so long ago I barely remember it but it was bizarre, that much I recall.

    I thought this would be tough but mine came to me easily.

    Frankenstein (1931)-Dr. Henry Frankenstein (Colin Clive) of whom it might be generously said has a screw or two loose attempts with the latest technology to create life by assembling a creature from body parts of the dead in his laboratory deep within the walls of his remote castle. Assisted by the loyal, deformed Fritz (Dwight Frye), he succeeds in bringing his monster (Boris Karloff) to life in florid fashion. However, trouble is brewing when the confused and traumatized monster escapes into the countryside and begins to wreak havoc. Iconic and seminal film impressively director by James Whale, with a touching performance by Karloff, set the standard for all horror movies to follow.

    Demon Seed (1977)-Susan Harris (Julie Christie) and her husband Dr. Alex Harris (Fritz Weaver) a renowned scientist live in a home he has modified to be run by voice-activated computers. Dr. Harris has also developed Proteus IV, an extremely advanced and autonomous artificial intelligence program. When Harris becomes disturbed by Proteus’s demands to be let "out of this box". Harris switches off the communications link but Proteus restarts itself, constructs a robot takes control of the house and traps Susan inside. Object: impregnate Susan to assume human form. Strange, unsettling sci-fi based on a Dean Koontz novel is strengthened by having a talent like Julie Christie in the lead.

    Tron (1982)-Young computer engineer Kevin Flynn (Jeff Bridges) discovers that his work is being stolen by one of his company’s executives-Ed Dillinger (David Warner). He attempts to hack the system but something goes awry and Flynn is transported into the digital world, facing off against Dillinger's computerized likeness, Sark, and the imposing Master Control Program. Aided by Tron (Bruce Boxleitner) and Yori (Cindy Morgan), Flynn fights a technological battle for control. Though the graphics are wildly dated now they were cutting edge when this was released.

    1. Nice picks! I haven't seen Demon Seed but I have seen the other two. Never even occured to me to pick Frankenstein. Now that seems so obvious.

  5. I see that everyone went for Videodrome which is an obvious choice but I went something else as it relates to David Cronenberg.

    1. I figured Videodrome would be popular if they stuck with the horror theme.

  6. You already my thoughts on Videodrome. Great minds. Didn't think of Deathgasm, but yeah, musical instruments are technology, so good call. What a fun movie. Haven't seen Red State, but that sounds insane.

    1. Red State is really good and it still blows my mind that Kevin Smith directed it. lol


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