Top 10 Films of 2023

I'm back after a short time away with my Top 10 Films of 2023! There are three films from my "must see" list that I haven't gotten a chance to see yet, Sisu, The Zone of Interest, and All Of Us Strangers. Sorting my Top 3 ended up being much harder than I anticipated. I normally don't rank my Top 10, but I'm trying to make the effort to do so moving forward. Consider them tied, basically.

Let me know if any of these are your favorites too.

Honorable Mentions: The Starling Girl, The Future, Four Daughters, Hunger, Across the Spider-verse, Judy Blume Forever, Dream Scenario, Poor Things.


Barbie was not only a delightfully fun movie to watch, but it was an entire moment for Barbie lovers everywhere. I never expected to feel so much watching it. 

May December

It's not often that I see a film and wish for a sequel immediately, but I didn't want to leave Charles Meltons' character in this. I didn't like some of the campier choices, but I wanted to discuss this film instantly after seeing it. 

Flora and Son

This little seen indie about a single mother taking guitar lessons online from hot Joseph Gordon-Levitt and bonding with her troubled son feels like it was made for me.

Polite Society

This film was hilarious and easily has some of the best costumes of the year. More films like this, please

Past Lives

Whereas my last pick was loud and fun, this was quiet and thoughtful. Like watching a serious of "what ifs." It's interesting to watch these characters think about where their lives could've gone.

Anatomy of a Fall

One of the most compelling court room dramas I've ever seen, as well as one of the best performances by a child as well. 

American Fiction

This is hands down the funniest movie of the year. Satire as a genre isn't something I always go for, but I love when they get it right.


From a technical standpoint, this is the best film of the year. Christopher Nolan remains one of my favorite filmmakers and it felt good to love him again after being so let down by Tenet. And I'm always here for Cillian Murphy.

The Iron Claw

Growing up a fan of professional wrestling does give me some bias here, but even if you didn't, you can't deny this is an excellent film. It's hard to watch, but so compelling.

The Holdovers

This film is like a warm hug on Christmas Eve. I was so drawn in to this. I certainly didn't expect Alexander Payne to make one of my favorite films of the year, but here we are. I feel happy just thinking about it. 


  1. I've only seen 2 films in your top 10 as I'm trying to catch up right now.

  2. I'm always about a year behind--I've seen two of these.

    I'm also showing up here post-Oscar nominations, and I am seriously frustrated that Greta Gerwig wasn't nominated for director and Margot Robbie was similarly snubbed.

    1. I am too!! I hope you eventually get to see and enjoy some of these.

  3. Some good picks here. I was expecting Oppenheimer, but The Iron Claw is a nice surprise. It probably would’ve ranked 6th for me if I had expanded my own list. I also might need to check some of these others out that I haven’t seen yet. :)

    1. I loved The Iron Claw so much. I hope you enjoy some of the others you haven't seen!

  4. I must see some of the fil.s and I always love a good court case, just like my mom


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