Review: Brightburn

You came here for a reason.

Tori (Elizabeth Banks) and Kyle (David Denman) have been struggling with infertility when a space ship crash lands in their yard carrying an infant, they raise their son - Brandon (Jackson A. Dunn) and all goes well until he turns 12 and starts acting strangely. Now they must confront the fact that they haven't told him where he really came from.

Taking heroes and turning them into bad guys is fairly common in comics but not so much on screen, so I was looking forward to this take on "Superman, but evil." 

Most horror movies require at least one character to fall victim to plot and make poor decisions. In this one it's Tori, who protects her son and makes excuses for him despite the increasingly weird shit that happens around him. I know it's realistic and I made my peace with it, but it's still slightly annoying.

There's some serious gore in here from time to time, you will certainly cringe but it's not a nonstop blood bath. The film builds tension really well but I felt like the ending was really lacking. I didn't care for the 3rd act at all after Brandon has a confrontation with his father. The film doesn't give us any insight into what Brandon's thinking, other than he hears voices and because of that it leaves me with the feeling that this could've been so much more. 

I still think it's worth a watch, but it's obvious a better film is in there, and something, perhaps budget and more polished writing prevented this from being what it could've been.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: C+

Memorable Quote: "Don't worry, I'm going to take care of that." - Brandon (Jackson A. Dunn)


  1. I'm so bummed this isn't better than it could have been. All the reviews I've read have the same feeling. I'm still looking forward to seeing it, though!

    1. There's just so much to do and so little effort was put into the script lol.

  2. After seeing the trailer I feel like I watched the movie already 😂

    1. The trailer has a legit shot of the final scene of the film in it. lol

  3. The trailer was enough for me 😅

  4. Oh god i couldnt watch this but i lile youe review! Thanks for sharing

    Jadieegosh   Instagram

  5. I'll wait for it on TV as I'm sure there's some cool stuff but I'll remind myself not to take it seriously.

    1. It's definitely a TV watch. I wish I would've went to Ma instead.

  6. I won't see it but I am ms. Fearful but it doesn't look that great. It is annoying when mom keeping enabling their kids-i see that all the time

    1. Yes, it's very typical, but doesn't make it any less annoying. lol

  7. It seems I went for this a lot more than most people did. I didn't find it to be a great movie but I was thoroughly entertained by it. If only the stupid trailer hadn't revealed so freaking much!!!

    1. I know! It's even more glaring after watching it. It showed everything.


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