Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Gangsters

This week's TV theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is gangsters. This is yet another reminder for me that I need to start Peaky Blinders. Here are my favorite shows featuring a gangster or two.

1) Boardwalk Empire

"You can't be half a gangster" is something Jimmy tells Nucky in Boardwalk Empire's first season, and he eventually accepts his fate. While BE wasn't perfect I think it has one of the best casts ever assembled on television. 

2) Breaking Bad

I could count the wonderful Gus Fring as the ultimate gangster, but let's go with Jesse Pinkman's friends like Badger, trying their hand at the wannabe gangster game.

3) The Wire

Indeed, The Wire had its fair share of gang members and drug lords. This was a show that lived up to every expectation I had, which was rare.  I also have a funny memory of binging this with my husband. I put our then two year old to bed one night and joked "Mommy and Daddy need to watch The Wire" only for him to respond in a perfect sentence - "But I want to watch The Wire!" Sorry, little one. 


  1. I only finished BrBa out of those and really should rewatch and finish the other two. Shannon was so freaking good there

    1. Shannon is amazing in BE, the entire cast is really.

  2. We share Breaking Bad! My fav gangster is Walter though :)

    1. Walt is definitely the OG, but I had to give Jesse's friends some love lol.

  3. I love Boardwalk Empire, though I have yet to watch the final season. I think if you love Boardwalk Empire, you'd enjoy Peaky Blinders. I've said this before on my blog, if BE was still on air it would been so cool if there was a crossover episode with Peaky Blinders what with it set within a similar time period and Nucky's dealings with Irish gangs across the pond.

    1. That would've been something to combine those wonderful casts!

  4. Boardwalk Empire rules. I love that show.

  5. I want to see Boardwalk Empire because I really like Steve Buscemi. I just never wanted to see Breaking Bad despite the accolades...sounds just too depressing.

    1. I highly recommend Breaking Bad, it's not as depressing as you'd think. Boardwalk is great too, you should definitely try to check that out.


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