10 Things I Love About Movie Blogging

Can you believe this little blog has been around for TEN YEARS! When I picked Blogger as my place for sharing my full length reviews, I hoped I would keep it up, but I never imagined I'd be around a decade later still typing away. To celebrate, I figured I would share 10 things I love about blogging.

1) YOU. I've been online since 1999 and have found myself in many fandoms and groups along the way, the movie blogging community, while not free of drama has been the most welcoming and consistent. I wouldn't still be at this without the lovely and interesting people I've met along the way. Especially those who take the time to read and comment. Thank you!

2) Not having to worry about catering to a specific audience. I shared movie reviews on another site at one point in time and I'm pretty sure no one there liked the same kind of movies I did. It's nice that most film fans are open to anything.

3) Another excuse to go to the theater.

4) Expanding my horizon. There are plenty of directors I never would've sought out had it not been for the movie blogging community. 

5) Visibility. There's more visibility for foreign and LGBTQIA films and more diversity in the bloggers themselves. I love that. 

6) Lists. I love making them and they're a fun, quick way to share tastes.

7) Oscar season. I have no one in my real life that cares about the Oscars as much as I do so having so many people to tweet and blog with about them is a Godsend.

8) Blogathons. Those are so fun to participate in and a great way to find a new blog to read. I enjoy the clever themes everyone comes up with.

9) Twitter. #FilmTwitter and blogging go hand and hand for me. I couldn't have one without the other. 

10) And finally, I just love having my own space in general. I was never one to keep a diary or a journal so having a place to share my movie thoughts that's saw me through my entire 20's and now into my 30's is magical. I need this mentally.

Thanks again for reading my ramblings, even when they're not very interesting. You're the best! 


  1. OK first of all your posts are always interesting! And second of all, this is so impressive, especially given how many posts you publish! Happy bloganniversary, our blogosphere and twitter community would be so much less without you!

  2. Happy Blogaversary! Congratulations on ten years of blogging! That's amazing. I always look forward to reading your reviews and posts, and can't wait to see what you blog about in the future. Thanks for sharing your interesting-cool-fun-brilliant thoughts with us and being such an awesome friend and blogger! :)

  3. Congrats! I will also say that your posts are always interesting because it's true. And you put me on to a lot of indie flicks over the years. Thanks for being part of my life over a good number of these last 10 years. Hope you're able to still do this for as long as you want to.

    1. Thank you for saying that! I hope to keep going as long there's others to talk to as well.

  4. Ah, congrats my girl! You have an amazing achievement on your hands! I agree with all the points, this community has so much to offer and I'm glad you're here every week like a true champ!
    PS: Love that you used a JGL gif at the end there, I'm sitting below his 500 Days of Summer poster back at home and it reminded me that I loved him so much back in the beginning of my blogging. :P

    1. He's still my #1 lol. I'm having withdrawals though because he hasn't had a new film in FOREVER.

    2. Yeah, he's like doing his own thing, off radar with HitRecord and probably has more secret kids with his wife etc. I miss him, somebody please give him a good role on a show or smth!

    3. lol his secrets kids and secret wife. I hope so too, he's got some things coming out next year it looks like. Someone needs to get him an Oscar vehicle.

  5. Happy 10th Anniversary. Let's hope you have more 10 more years to come.

  6. Congrats on 10 years Brittani ❤️💛💜💙

  7. YES BRITTANI! So glad to have you here, typing away! Absolutely love this blog & hearing about new films and your takes on them. <3

  8. Congrats Brittani, 10 years as a film blogger is a amazing. I totally agree with the 10 points you mentioned: I love the freedom of reviewing what I want, of communicating with people with similar interests (including Oscars) and of course, Twitter. Keep up the good work!

  9. Happy 10-Year Blogiversary! So glad to have found you :)

  10. Felicitations on hitting such a big milestone!

    I don't swing by as often as I should but I do appreciate that you take the time to respond to comments.

    I know that's not necessarily an obligation but this blogging dewhicky does seem to be designed to be interactive so I'm always a bit mystified when I remark on what someone has written (which I assume is partly done to encourage discourse) and they never respond.

    1. I always enjoy when you stop by! I still can't believe you don't have a blog of your own.

      I didn't respond to every comment I got early on either and I'm not sure why. Stupid call on my part.

  11. 10 years! Huge congratulations to you! It was through your blog and your Favourite Movie Titles Blogathon that I stumbled into this community and actually found myself some readers, and honestly, friends! So I have you to thank for a lot of things. <3

    1. Thank YOU for being so wonderful and having such a great blog yourself!

  12. Happy blogoversary! When I first started my blog, I didn't really have much of an interest in reviewing movies constantly. But the more movies I discovered over the years, the more I started to love blogging about movies, especially surreal movies and I also started to find other fellow movie bloggers that enjoy movies as much as I do!

    Glad I stumbled upon your blog! You reviewed so many fantastic movies over the years!

  13. A decade!!! Wow, good on ya! For me its just hit my fifth I think (I'd have to check the date) even though the regularity of posts has often wavered due to personal reasons (hence me commenting on three of your posts at once atm =P)

    I agree with all but one of your reasons (i can't stand the oscars personally), they are spot on. And kinda inspiring in an odd way. I especially agree the 'community' part, and also being exposed to new stuff.

    I haven't done a blogathon in ages, I need to find one! I actually hosted one myself years ago, a PS Hoffman one not long after his death. I posted more often back then, I'd like to do it more often!

    I don't think many people read my blog at all hehe, but #1 is very true. Having my own space as you said kinda makes up for that. I want to study film, so I love to analyse them, even if no one is reading.

    Great post!!

    (sorry for the long reply, I drank far too much coffee!!!)


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