Review: Yesterday

Take a sad song and make it better.

Jack Malick (Himesh Patel) is a singer/songwriter in England trying to make it big while working part time at a warehouse. He's encouraged by his friend and manager, Ellie. (Lily James) One evening, the entire world loses power for 12 seconds, and at that exact moment, Jack is riding his bike and is hit by a bus. When he wakes up following the accident, he realizes that no one else but him remembers The Beatles (among other things) so he takes the opportunity to pass off their songs as his own.

Danny Boyle is one of my favorite directors so I make a point of seeing everything he makes. On top of loving The Beatles, I thought the concept of this film was really interesting. The best thing about this film is Malick and James together. They have absolutely wonderful chemistry and their characters felt the most genuine when they were playing opposite of each other. Unfortunately for them, and Alexander Arnold who plays Gavin, the person who records Jack's first album, everyone else is terrible.

It's extraordinary how much the comedy in this film misses. The two biggest sources of "comedy relief" are meant to be Rocky, (Joel Fry) Jack's stoner friend/assistant. Debra, (Kate McKinnon) the money hungry executive, and to a lesser extend, Jack's parents. Every joke they give goes on far too long to the point where it becomes excruciating to sit though. McKinnon, who I think is one of the funniest people to come from SNL in a long time is spectacularly over the top. She plays Debra like a bad parody, only when no one else is taking that approach it makes her stick out like a sore thumb. 

I had read some early reviews where critics had issues with the world building, which didn't bother me. The scenes of Jack figuring out things like Coca Cola and Oasis don't exist were the only good laughs of the film, though the big "twist" - and I use that term loosely - is bound to rub some people the wrong way.

I never expected to be this annoyed over this film, and it's a shame because I loved James and Malick in it. They deserved a better supporting cast and script that matched their efforts.

Recommended: No

Grade: C

Memorable Quote: "Like Benedict Cumberbatch becoming a sex symbol?" - Ellie (Lily James)


  1. This seems to be the general feelings overall for this film which is one reason I avoided it. Probably will catch it on Blu-Ray but it is disappointing that it misses the mark.

    1. I'm surprised it was this bad though. Nothing in the trailers prepared me for anything other than "fine."

  2. It looks really silly to me and James is giving me war flashbacks to Baby Driver so I am definetly skipping this

  3. Aww, I really loved this one but I think comedies are so subjective! Himesh and Lily were a perfect little couple though <3

    1. I'm glad this worked for you! I agree on them as a couple at least, they were great together.

  4. I refuse to see this despite my love for the Beatles and Danny Boyle. I'm glad my dad isn't alive to see this as I think it would've insulted his intelligence. The whole concept just seems stupid and reeks of unearned sentimentalism. Plus, it has fucking Ed Sheeran. I hate that guy and his shitty music.

    1. The concept was super interesting to me because it wasn't just the Beatles that were lost. The film did feel a bit like an Ed Sheeran ad. I find him to be a lot like Taylor Swift, all of his songs sound exactly the same.

  5. Both bummer you didn't like this Brit! While it was no doubt a bit lame, i loved how how his friends teased him relentlessly. His parents were certainly over the top, but I kinda thought that was the point. By that i mean it's using a wonderfully silly concept to comment on how the music industry has turned to shit, and how music is appreciated like it once was - that scene with his parents was yeah a bit lame, but I thought it was really a comment on how music is perceived these days- just as something to pit on in the background while not paying much attention

    That's how I saw it Anyways, I'd probably give it a B minus or even a C cos I agree, a lot of the comedy missed the mark but also the romance just felt shoehorned in, and it really shots me when they do that. It just wasnt needed!

    Anyways sorry for the long reply, my review is scheduled for 4 or so hours from now, let me know what u think (altho half of it I just wrote above haha)

    PS I created a fave blogs page for the top menu bar on my page, of course you had to feature =] keep up the food work, I especially enjoy the indie gems

    1. Aww thank you! That's very sweet. I did like how his friends teased him too, especially about the teeth.

  6. **isn't appreciated like it once was

    Gah damned auto correct!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'm going to my 10th Wiggles concert tomorrow

  9. I too love Boyle and the concept really intrigued me but I missed it because my cinema sucks. I’m sorry to hear it didn’t work for you. I think I’ll still give it a chance.

    1. Definitely give it a chance, I've seen some very positive takes on it, so it could just be me.

  10. I liked this one. It was a feel good movie experience and I won't be half as mean towards it as you were. :D But, I do agree with what you are saying, which is strange. I guess I just saw it at the right time for me, which is after a lousy week and a shitty month. So I mean, I take what I can get.
    But I agree that the twist was a little off putting. It may feel like a nice tribute, but at the same time, it feels also disrespectful.
    I loved all the discovery jokes. I thought Sheeran was weak. McKinnon has never been sb I've enjoyed in movies.. it makes it sound like I didn't like it but hey, it made into my top5 of this year so far list. But I have seen a lot of amazing movies except 4 this year so.. I'm guessing I'm in some sort of an alternative universe atm :D

    1. I'm glad it worked for you, that's what I was hoping it would do for me. I was really prepared to enjoy it and I just didn't. *sigh*


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