Indie Gems: The Hummingbird Project

All for Wall Street.

Cousins, and high frequency traders, Vincent (Jesse Eisenberg) and Anton (Alexander Skarsgard) leave their job and their over the top boss Evas (Salma Hayek) to secretly build a fiber-optic cable from Kansas to New Jersey in order to get the stocks faster than her company. With the help of contractor Mark (Michael Mando) they are determined to make their extremely difficult plan work.

The plot of this film really didn't entice me but I wanted to see this for the cast. It gets off to a bit of a rocky start, but I ended up liking this a lot more than I expected. What they're doing is so outlandish that you almost expect it to say "based on a true story" but it never does. 

Eisenberg finally plays out of his comfort zone in this, which was the best part for me. He too often goes for the awkward neurotic thing and this finally felt like he was getting back to his Social Network form. Skarsgard is excellent as well, even though he's in the worst bald cap ever throughout the entire film. Hayke's character is a huge schemer that I thought would get on my nerves but even though she looms in the background of what Vincent and Anton are doing, it's never too much. It's nice to see Michael Mando in something outside of Better Call Saul as well.

The Hummingbird Project is pretty serious but has some deeply funny moments throughout. It makes for a nice watch at home.

Grade: B

Watched on: Netflix DVD

Memorable Quote: "That's an entire millisecond!" - Vincent (Alexander Skarsgard)


  1. A bald Alexander Skarsgard and Eisenberg being out of his comfort zone. OK then, I'll check it out.

    1. Bald Skarsgard is pretty offensive in its own right.


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