Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Fantasy

It's another TV edition at Wandering Through The Shelves and this week we're talking about fantasy series. I decided to go the animated route this week. I'm throwing it back to the 80's, the early 2000's and one more recent pick. Here's what I came up with.

1) Rainbow Brite

This show was before my time but because I had older siblings that grew up in the 80's, we had this on VHS. I always really liked it as a kid because it was fun and I felt cool that none of my friends really knew about it until I showed it to them. Was that was the start of me being a pretentious film snob?

2) Inuyasha

This is my favorite anime. I started watching it in high school and I've recently been re-watching it again with my son. I sort of regret letting him see it because damn, I forgot how terrible the character of Miroku is but now we've had several conversations about consent and you can never have too many of those.

3) Star Wars: Rebels

This show aired from 2014-2018 and while we did legitimately start watching it because my son wanted to, I think my husband and I ended up liking it more than he did. It starts out really kiddie and ridiculous but then gets more mature after the first season. I also argue that Kanan and Hera, not Leia and Han are THE best couple within the SW universe. I'll fight anyone over that. 


  1. YES on Kanan and Hera! Best SW couple by far. Me and my husband watched the first few episodes of Rebels out of curiosity more than anything and it's actually an amazing show!

  2. I remember seeing rainbow bright when it was on in the 80's but i would change the channel as I was in my 20's during this time. i didn't watch the other 2 either. 0 for 3 this week

    1. I don't blame you, that had a pretty strict 5-8 range if I recall lol.

  3. I remember Rainbow Brite. My sister used to watch that show. I was more into Transformers at the time.

  4. I guess it won't surprise you since these are animated that I haven't seen any of these! I'm sitting out the week since I'm not a big fantasy fan (outside of Excalibur) and don't think I've ever watched a fantasy TV show regularly.

    1. Every now and then I get you on an animated film lol.

  5. Oh man! I remembered watching Inuyasha and Rainbow Brite when I was little! Such fantastic shows!

    Here’s my Thursday Movie Picks!

    Ronyell @ The Surreal Movies and TV Blog

  6. I remember watching Inuyasha back in the day! There were quite a few anime shows on German TV and I loved all of them.

    1. Adult Swim had a great selection of anime back then. At least a great selection of gateway ones lol

  7. Spidey's back in the MCU!

  8. Rainbow Brite - I think I might have seen this, because it looked sort of familiar.


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