Thursday Movie Picks - Cinephile in Movies

I've been excited for this week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves because we get to talk about fellow movie fans IN movies! The following picks came pretty quickly to me, and are easily my favorite of the topic. Here's what I came up with

1) The Dreamers -
This might be a bit risque for some, but it's a film I think about and have seen often. Our protagonist Matthew has a line in the film where he says he sits in the front row at movie theaters because he wants to receive the images first, while they're fresh that I really love. 

2) Cinema Paradiso -
I was very late to this one. It was on my Blind Spot lists a few years ago and I think the final scene is an absolute masterpiece. It's one the next pick clearly took some inspiration from as well.

3) Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl
- Our main characters make a movie for a dying classmate, and of course I cried like a baby at the end when they show it to her. 


  1. I still have to see Cinema Paradiso. It's been on my watch list for years. I haven't seen your other films but would watch them for sure

    1. Cinema Paradiso is so lovely! All of these movies are good, but I think you'd like that the best.

  2. We share two picks. I went with another film for my third pick but I love all 3 of these films. I know you are ready for the weekend. WANDA!!! Some are already starting the Oscar campaign for Ms. Olsen.

    1. I can't wait for her even though I'm sure this film takes her character. I'll love her anyways lol

  3. I haven't seen any of these but want to.
    Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl is on Disney+ so I can see it anytime, but I'm sort of avoiding it cause I know it's going to be a tearjerker.

    1. Oh I had no idea it's on Disney+ now. I'll have to watch it again.

  4. Cinema Paradiso is an enchanting, haunting film that is so much about the love of film. It really wraps you in the aura of being a movie fan.

    I've seen bits of The Dreamers at various times but never the whole film which is more than I can say for your last pick. It sounds very sad.

    This is a bit of a toughie. I did think of Cinema Paradiso right away, it's sort of the gold standard for this sort of film. Otherwise there's Woody Allen's lovely The Purple Rose of Cairo and the bizarre horror/crazy person thriller Fade to Black where the lead character dresses as various movie characters he's obsessed with to commit murders.

    1. Fade to Black sounds interesting. I've never been able to get into Woody Allen movies. The only one I liked was Midnight in Paris.

    2. Woody Allen's films can be VERY variable with as many misses as hits, hopefully you've just seen the wrong ones so far.

      I did enjoy Midnight in Paris, even with Owen Wilson (an actor I find almost completely risible) as the lead.

      My favorites and the ones I'd recommend seeking out besides Purple Rose are Radio Days, Bullets Over Broadway, Small Time Crooks and especially Hannah and Her Sisters.

    3. I can't see myself ever revisiting any more of Allen's filmography. Even before his abuse allegations. I'm just taking the L there. lol

    4. I won't fault you or question you on giving Allen a pass, but Radio Days really is a lovely movie, and since it takes place in his childhood, there's not a lot of lusting after younger women. It's legitimately my favorite Allen screenplay--it's very sweet.

      I was not a fan of Bullets Over Broadway. There's some very unpleasant subtext in that movie.

    5. Well that's good he has a few films in his arsenal that aren't creepy lol

  5. I love Cinema Paradiso so much. That moment sitting in the theater at the end? I cry like a baby at that--just a couple of minutes of unashamed ugly crying.

    1. I ugly cry in movies all the time so do not feel shame!

  6. I love Me and Earl and the Dying Girl! I also cried a lot, but I generally just loved the style of the entire movie. In comparison, I really disliked the movie. The lead character was insufferable (even more so than in the movie).

    1. The book you mean? I never read it. I thought the film did a great job though.

    2. Whoopsie, yeah! I meant the book was bad in comparison, which is rare.


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