Thursday Movie Picks: Mazes

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves is mazes! The Maze Runner came to mind immediately but I barely remember that movie, so here are three films that stuck with me a little better.

1) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire -
There's a lot this film gets wrong compared to the book, but the maze at the end, and the graveyard scene are amazing and elevate this so much.

2) Pan's Labyrinth -
Ofiela is a young girl in Spain pulled into a mysterious labyrinth. I really want to re-watch this. It's one of my favorite foreign films. 

3) Alice in Wonderland -
Alice heads through a maze to get to the Queen of Hearts. I've always loved this weird story. I still re-read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland from time to time.


  1. I heard the author was high on opium when he wrote Alice in Wonderland but who knows..well, not me. I enjoyed the Harry Potter film which was quite scary. I love Pan's of my favorite and yhat 1 eyed beast is bloody scary

    1. Being high while writing Alice in Wonderland makes a lot of sense lol

  2. Funny you saying that about Maze Runner. My memory of it is exactly the same, sketchy at best.

    Most of the Harry Potters merge together in my memory. I liked them but remembering which events happened in which books/films isn't always clear. I do recall the maze but not the events that took place there.

    Pan's Labyrinth is such a unique and challenging film. It is one that benefits from a rewatch.

    You know I'm not much for animation but this version of Alice in Wonderland is one I've seen multiple times (most of them willingly, although when my nieces were little and were on their tenth viewing of the week well....) It's a charmer.

    When I first saw the theme I was baffled but then I thought of The Lady from Shanghai and its hall of mirrors sequence and I realized there were plenty. The next that occurred to me was Inception which is a near constant maze. And the last is an obscure B movie from the 50's set in Scotland but filmed in the US (and in 3-D!) called The Maze with Richard Carlson. It's about a young man who inherits his uncle's castle which has a mysterious and apparently enchanted (cursed) maze cut into the hedges on the grounds.

    1. Brigit picked Lady from Shanghai too! I want to see that now.

  3. All 3 incredible films though I had a hard time wanting to do a list without going for the obvious choices though I was fortunate to go for something a little different.

    BTW, what did you think of them guns that Natalie Portman and Tessa Thompson are sportin'? They're so fucking hot right now.

    1. I want to know if the guns on Natalie are real. They look too perfect to be true lol

    2. They're real. She's been working out. She had to do months of physical training to do the role and developed them guns. Shit... They look so badass, they make Cunt Hogan's 24-inch pythons look like zits. She and Tessa would both squeeze the life of out of that aging, grand-standin', hot-doggin' racist piece of shit WHO WAS LUSTING AFTER MISS ELIZABETH!!!!!! Randy Savage was right all along. I would love to be carried by PO'TMAN MOTHERFUCKER! like a baby. I'm man enough to admit it.

  4. Ahhh! Alice is a great pick. How'd I forget that one?? I picked GOF too!

  5. Pan's Labyrinth is a favourite.
    Don't remember much of Goblet of Fire other then I think Cedric died in it.
    I think I've watched Alice in Wonderland, just because I think I have seen all of the Disney animated feature films, though I can't remember anything.

    1. I'm glad Pan's is popular this week. It's also one of my favorite movies.

  6. Ooooh Alice is a great pick, I can't believe I didn't think of that!


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