Thursday Movie Picks - TV Edition: Cold Cases


It's our final mystery theme of the month over at Wandering Through The Shelves and as always we end with TV picks. This theme screams docuseries to me, and thankfully I watch a lot of those. They're interesting and make for good background noise while I work. Here's what I came up with.

1) Unsolved Mysteries -
I have to go with the OG here. I watched this a lot when I was younger and now that Netflix has brought it back, I've watched the newer seasons as well. My favorite thing to do after watching an episode of this is go straight to reddit to read theories. 

2) The Keepers
- This is also a Netflix documentary, and is one of the most frustrating murder cases I've ever watched because I truly don't think it will ever be solved. Sister Cathy deserves justice, and I hope I'm wrong about this, and one day the truth comes to light, but I just don't know. I highly recommend watching this. 

3) Disappeared -
This is one that I mostly listened to while working. That's the convenient thing about True Crime, you don't necessarily have to be watching the screen to follow along when it's mostly interviews. 


  1. We Match with Unsolved Mysteries but I went to the original series. You know, I'm getting pissed off how many shows are being brought vack but to channels one must buy. I'd watch this new version if it would be on a regular channel. I saw Tge Adam's Family is vCk but not on a channel I get yes Netflix.
    I heard about the nun but I don't know anything about the killing. Now I must look it up.
    The 3rd voice looks really good also.
    Sorry for my griping but this show is now o a channel one must pay for and my Dancing With Stars is on Disney+ which is so annoying. Oops there I go again. I'll shall keep my mouth shut.

    1. I shared the sentiment until I cut cable, now I only have paid subscriptions. Some I keep all year round, some I cancel and renew when I want to watch something. Saves money lol

  2. The Keepers was really disturbing, but I would also recommend it to anyone.

    1. Same! I feel like it's fallen off a bit. I really hope there's a break in the case some day.

  3. I have watched some episodes of Unsolved Mysteries back in the day as some of it creeped me out as a kid. I haven't seen the other stuff.

  4. I was an occasional Unsolved Mysteries viewer but never developed the weekly habit. I don't know the other two.

    This isn't really my genre but I remember the series Cold Case but like Mysteries I was never a regular viewer.

    1. The Keepers is a series I always recommend if you have Netflix. It's frustrating, but very well done.

  5. I think I might have seen Unsolved Mysteries or something similar as a kid, like it was probably just playing in the background, when there's nothing else on TV.

    1. It was likely this. This show was everywhere in the 90's.

  6. I'm gonna add your second pick to my Netflix to-watch list right now!


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