7 Things I want from the final season of True Blood

True Blood released their season 7 teaser trailer this week. S7 is True Blood's last. While I never thought I'd want one of my one time favorite shows to end, it is definitely the right time. The last two seasons have been lackluster at best. In honor of season 7, here's 7 things I'd love.

(as always, click those gifs to be redirected to their makers)

7) Kill off all the new characters introduced after season 5. Literally, there is not a single interesting one.

6) Get rid of Alcide. He doesn't necessarily have to die. Sookie can break up with him early on and he can leave for all I care. No character has overstayed their welcome quite like Alcide. Seriously, the only thing good about him is his torso.

5) At least be consistent with this "Vampire illness" that's going to be the main point of the season. Hep V, is they are calling it is apparently turned some vamps into savage beasts, yet it killed Nora within 24 hours last season. Explain why the sudden change.

4) Get off your Bill high horse, and for the love of God don't have him date Sookie again.

3) More Lafayette and Pam. They honestly have the best lines. 

2) Rebuild the Merlotte's friendships. Mostly that of Tara/Sookie/Sam. Rebuild Pam and Eric's tight bond as well.

1) And finally, the most important. Have Eric end up with Sookie in the finale. He and Pam NEED to return. The book fans were denied this by Charlaine Harris. How about making it up to them by having the TV show end that way.


  1. YES to everything. I kinda wish they had an interesting villain for the last season instead of a virus but whatevs, Eric and Pam forever. I don't even care if Sookie dies, nothing should happen to those two.

    1. Eric and Pam are the best. I loved their relationship until Nora ruined it.

  2. I also love True Blood and am ready for it to end. I liked the last season much more than the 5th which was horrible, but it still isn't all that great. At this point, it's just watching out of my initial love for the show and curiosity where things might go.

    I do have a soft spot for Bill, but again mostly just because of how he started. The last couple seasons for him have been mostly terrible for his character. They have to bring back Eric though. Like how can they not?

    I'm just hoping this season somehow goes out on a high note!

    1. I am too. Seasons 1-3 were SO strong, season 4 was okay, but you're right. Season 5 was the worst. I'm hoping they go out on a high note as well.

      I actually liked Bill a lot during the early seasons, they just really lost their way with him.

  3. I didn't see that teaser last Sunday - I pee like 3 times in 10 mins before GoT starts because I'm not leaving for bathroom no matter what when it airs - so apparently I missed this and whatever that Leftovers show trailer everyone keeps talking about is :) I literally don't remember anything from last season except for Eric's retarded scene in the finale and that blond Jesus chick killing that other chick with a heel. I don't think I can sit through another season of this :/

    1. The Leftovers looks really strange.

      Yeah, nothing really noteworthy happened last season. Sam got ANOTHER girlfriend and knocked this one up. Stop giving him chicks FFS, they all die.

  4. True Blood has become the show I love to hate. For all of the reasons you mention above. Yes, to everything except Alcide. Although they need to get rid of the wolfpack--entirely. That wolfpack storyline was atrocious. It was worsened by the addition of Sam's new (now pregnant) girlfriend. Oh was that storyline irritating.

    I can't remember where I left off in the novels. Some of the novels really made me mad, (SPOILER) but I thought that Eric and Sookie ended up together in the novels? It's been my understanding that Alan Ball in his infinite wisdom decided early on that Sookie's primary love interest should be Bill. Horrible idea.

    Eric, Eric, and more Eric please. Alas, I heard Season 7 will be Eric-lite.

    1. **BOOK SPOILERS**

      They were together up until the very last book, then Sookie ultimately gets with Sam. I never read the books, but the fandom was pissed. A spoiler leaked on Amazon and a bunch of them cancelled their pre-orders. Her book sales were not that great for her last, and I think that leaked spoiler is probably the reason why.

      I think I referred to Sam's girlfriend as "Girl I Don't Give A Fuck About" in my recaps last year. Her name isn't important. lol

      Alcide is fine as a background character to me, but he shouldn't be given his own story lines.

  5. The only thing I want to see is this... Jessica... naked. Full-frontal and ass... and Jason getting a piece of that. That's all I want. I could care less about everything else.

    1. Oh, and I also want to see Eric full-frontal and more Pam.

    2. LOL More full frontal Eric would be a good thing. Deborah Anne Wohl must not do nudity, all of her sex scenes with Jason were staged awkwardly so they didn't show anything.

  6. Wow, I keep forgetting that this is still going, I stopped watching after season four. It was fun while it lasted, though.

    1. It got awful after season four, so you are not missing anything.

  7. This series got soooo bad. Yet I kept watching. I really hope something good happens this season. I mean... there were just so many story lines happening all at once it got awful and horrible and I just couldn't stand it!

    1. ^^THIS! I agree on all counts. I keep watching because I've invested so much.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. But Eric can protect Sookie better than Bill and Alcide! Bill also nearly killed Sookie in season 3. I've always preferred Eric, I don't know if it's because I find him way more attractive than Bill, but I've always wanted Sookie to end up with him. Sam being my 2nd choice. I guess I never thought Bill's love for Sookie was genuine.


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