DVD Review: Inside Llewyn Davis


The Coen Brothers can be hit and miss for me at times, but this easily has to be the worst film of there's I've ever seen. It's not bad by any means, it's just plain boring. So boring in fact, that this review isn't really coherent. 

Llewyn Davis (Oscar Isaac) is a folk singer/songwriter trying to make his way through life. He's a total asshole, so I had a hard time trying to like him. Carey Mulligan is in this for awhile, usually cursing at Davis for being a total prick. Garrett Hedlund and John Goodman show up later as well as a fellow writer and musician respectively.

Literally the only thing going for this film is it's music. Isaac has a great voice, and I enjoyed hearing him sing. But the songs weren't enough. The movie felt like it dragged and the plot just wasn't that interesting. I'm glad I didn't catch this one in theaters, I think I would've been even more disappointed then.

Recommended: No

Grade: C-

Memorable Quote: "Everything you touch turns to shit." - Jean (Carey Mulligan)


  1. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This is probably my favorite Coen after Raising Arizona and Fargo. I absolutely LOVED THIS!

    1. Dude, HOW?! lol. I wanted to punch Llewyn in the dick.

  2. I felt the same exact way when I first saw this; I didn't sympathize with Llewyn at all. We got to see how he lives day to day, without a plot so it makes things interesting.

    1. The only thing I found interesting about this was the soundtrack.

  3. Yeah this looks crazy boring to me. And I hate it when the protagonist is unlikable.

    1. I do too. I would've rather watched Carey Mulligan.

  4. Well, first let me say, I'm very supportive of a punch to the dick. I think it should replace the handshake.

    As for the movie, I'm still interested in seeing it, but I can see how it could be boring as shit. F--k it. If it's short, I'm in.

  5. I get that you didn’t like the main character but what does this have to do with this being the “worst [Coen] film” you’d ever seen? Did you mean to say that this was your least favourite Coen film? It seems to me that there is quite a significant different between those two statements.

    1. Yes, it is my least favorite Coen film for the sheer fact that the main character is not only unlikable but extremely boring.

  6. Hey, finally someone who's not so enamored with this one. Seems that because it's the Coens, people just automatically think it's the best thing since sliced bread!! I found it to be tedious at times, tho I do love Oscar Isaac's performance. Plus the ending is such a letdown.

    1. THANK YOU! I absolutely agree on the Coen influence. I wonder if it would've bombed harder had it not been helmed by them?

  7. I think this film was the result of poor marketing. Or at least that was the problem for me. I foolishly went in thinking it was something it was not. So, on my first viewing, I came out feeling exactly how you do about it. But upon reflection, I must admit that I like it a lot more. Funny how that works.

    1. I've been trying to reflect on it, but now I can't remember half of what happened. Whoops.

  8. I sort of knew what to expect by this, but then again, no I didn't. I just went in with a straight-mind, a clear head and I ended up loving it. Moreso on reflection and looking back, but loved it nonetheless. Good review Brittani.

  9. Oh, no! This is probably my favorite Coen film after Fargo and No Country for Old Men. Sorry you were bored. :(

    1. No Country is my favorite Coen film too, but this just doesn't compare.

  10. I love this one! While I didn't find it boring, I can kind of see what you mean about it - I only really started to fall in love with it after it had finished. I found my thoughts coming back to it so often, trying to figure it all out. On the re-watch it became one of my favourite Coens' movies.

  11. Aw, shame you didn't like it. I can understand your reasons though. I wish Carey Mulligan had more screen time though.


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