Review: Rogue One


Rogue One tells us the story of how our heroes in A New Hope got their hands on the Death Star plans. Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones) is rescued from an Imperial prison to assist the Rebels. Her father, Galen (Mads Mikkelson) is responsible for designing the Death Star and he's sent a defected pilot, Bodhi (Riz Ahmed) to deliver a message. Jyn goes along with Captain Cassian (Diego Luna) in a risky attempt to help reveal the weak spot her father built in the Death Star.

One of the best parts of this movie are the Easter eggs. There's so many and it just makes me so happy to be a Star Wars fan. Seeing Gold and Red Leader, hearing "General Syndulla report to briefing" over the intercom (yay Star Wars Rebels) and seeing old favorites like Bail Organa and Darth Vader again.

The visual effects team created something truly incredible with bring Grand Moff Tarkin back. When I heard they were adding him digitally, I expected it to be one quick scene, but he's in more than one and has a decent amount of dialogue. I wonder if people watching who don't know the actor is dead realize they're not looking at a real person? 

If there's one flaw this movie has, it's the character development. I don't think it's a spoiler saying this if you've watched other Star Wars films -  but I feel like the writers felt they didn't need to spend so much time on them since they're all going to die anyways. While I liked our new group, especially droid K-2SO, I feel an immediate intrigue like I did with Rey, Finn, and Kylo with the new trilogy.

Rogue One is fun as hell. The battle scenes are a visual pleasure and Darth Vader has a spectacular badass moment that makes me wish I could watch an entire film of him doing just that. ci

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B+

Memorable quote: "Did you know that wasn't me?" - K-2SO (voiced by Alan Tudyk)


  1. Great review! I agree on the character development, they should have worked more on it. K-2SO is officially my new favourite droid. He's just the best.

    I can't believe I forgot to mention Grand Moff Tarkin in my review. They did such an amazing job they made me forget Peter Cushing is dead.

    1. I know! He looked amazing. K-2SO is my new favorite too. BB-8 and R2D2 give him tough competition but he was hilarious.

  2. That Darth Vader moment was indeed awesome. I do agree with you, the best bits were the Easter Eggs. It was a film for the fans.

    1. Jurassic World should take note on how to properly make a film for fans with Easter Eggs. lol

  3. I'm really hoping to see this film this weekend as I've been kind of waiting for this one.

  4. Yeah, true. it was more about the action than the character development. but i really enjoyed this.

    1. It's rare that an oversight like that doesn't take away from the film, I'm glad it works.

  5. I'm so with you on this. I felt like I should have been emotional during those death scenes but honestly, the only time I got misty eyed was for K2SO, he was amazing!

    1. I wasn't expecting the droid to go! I did feel for that last shot of Jyn and Cassian though.

  6. I read some people actually did think Tarkin was played by actual actor and not CGI at all, it was very cool but I hope Hollywood doesn't abuse this technique I write a bit about that in RF today

    1. I think it should only be used in cases like this one. I can't see it being too popular though,it's probably very expensive.


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