Thursday Movie Picks: Non-English TV Shows

It's another TV week at Wandering Through the Shelves. This week I have to cheat a little. There are only two shows I watched with subtitles. One is Inuyasha, which I already chose, and the other is Attack on Titan, which I haven't finished, and probably need to completely start over since it's been so long since I started watching it. The following three shows I watched in English dubs, but they originated in other languages.

1) Fullmetal Alchemist

I don't know if I've ever talked about how watching anime was considered social suicide in my high school? If you watched anime and admitted it, you were a dork. If you cared too much about what other people thought (like me) you watched anime on the DL. Fullmetal Alchemist was one of those shows I watched even though it was so fucking weird. 

Years later when I went home for Thanksgiving and met up with a bunch of classmates for a beer, we somehow got into a discussion about anime and just about every single person at the table admitted to watching Dragon Ball Z and not telling anyone. If we had just been up front about this as kids, we probably could've broken the loser stigma. 

2) David The Gnome

This was originally a Spanish show that was dubbed to English and put on Nick Jr. in the early 90's. It was my favorite show. I have so many memories watching it. I remember they always showed a preview for one specific episode then never aired it. (It had a dog growing at David's trust fox) Drove little me insane.

3) The Littl' Bits

This one hails from Japan and for a reasonable amount of time I thought I may have imagined the whole thing. No one I knew remembered it. My parents, who remembered David the Gnome and Eureka's Castle couldn't place it either. It wasn't until I discovered IMDb that I realized I wasn't crazy. This show existed and it wasn't a very intricate part of my imagination. I did not go full Tommy Westphall. 


  1. I don't think it's cheating. Anyway, it's still better than nothing.

  2. I never knew David the Gnome was originally a Spanish show! I remember loving it as a kid.

    1. Another thing I never knew until I found imdb lol

  3. I haven't seen any of this, although I do want to watch Attack on Titan. The art is good and the story is interesting.

    1. I really need to go back and finish that. My husband loves it.

  4. Obviously I haven't seen my of these but my ex and I used to watch a Japanese anime which we really liked but I don't even remember the name of it. I also watched some episodes of Pengoo a child's showwith a penguin and found out it was Swiss. Yes, I was in my 40's when I watched it

    1. I remember watching a movie called Scamper the Penguin that was originally Swedish. I love how those things work out lol.

  5. Haven't seen any of these but I'm not an anime guy. This week is hopeless for me I've never seen a single TV series in a foreign language. Oh well, there's always next week.

  6. David the Gnome! Hell yes! There was no way I was doing this theme, since I don't know any foreign language TV, but that's an awesome pull! I've got a Directed by post on Sofia Coppola today though if you care to check that out.

    1. Just read it. ;) I'm glad others remember David the Gnome

  7. I was going to say that I'd never seen a non-English TV show but of course I realize now how untrue that is, since I've watched a whole bunch of french TV...I guess what I mean is that I've never seen a TV show in a language I don't speak. Of course, I grew up without cable, we had 3 channels and they weren't wasting those on anything foreign!

    1. lol I feel like even with cable they never showed non English TV shows here when I was a kid.

  8. The last one is kinda freaking me out...

    Thats a shame about the anime. In my school if you liked movies that weren't typical rom-coms or 'chick flicks' or dance films you were considered a freak. I was told on many occassions that I liked 'boy films' whatever the fuck that meant. But you learn to ignore and forget these idiots exist.

    1. Boy films lmao. I didn't really come into my cinephile self until I was 18, so I never had to deal with that. I liked the same shitty movies everyone else did.


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