Thursday Movie Picks: An Adaptation You Want To See

Wander wants to know what you WANT to see. Not what you have. She asks us what adaptations of comics, video games or novels we'd like to see. Part of me wanted a campy action packed Duke Nukem but I think we have enough of those already.

1) Black Widow


2) Girl Boy Girl

There's a lot of films and documentaries about the J.T Leroy scandal but I'd love to see one based off Savannah Knoop's memoir Girl Boy Girl. She was the one who "played" J.T during public appearances and her voice is often lost when talking about him.

3) When A Fan Hits The Shit

If you've ever been a part of a fandom or message board, you know how juicy that drama can get. Jeanine Renne was a huge Lord of the Rings fan who ended up in a scandal that not only duped a lot of people out of a lot of money, but even pulled one over on a few of the films' stars. It's a batshit crazy read. I'd watch this as a feature or as a documentary.


  1. I'm suffering Super Power burnout so The Black Widow movie is one I can't say I'm yearning for but since all the males seem to get there own standalone films she should as well.

    I'm not tremendously familiar with all the JT Leroy hubbub but it does remind me of the Clifford Irving scandal when he purported to have written Howard Hughes autobiography with Hughes cooperation which was a lie. There is a film about that situation called The Hoax that stars Richard Gere.

    I'll have to track down you're last, it sounds like an entertaining read and a good basis for a film.

    This was a fun exercise and being a reader there are many books I'd love to see adapted. I was tempted to go all action since they stand the best chance of making it to the screen but went with broader multi genre choices.

    How I Paid for College: A Novel of Sex, Theft, Friendship & Musical Theater (2005)-Comic novel by Marc Acito tells the tale of young sexually confused Jersey teen Edward Zanni and the lengths he goes to his senior year when his divorced father marries gold-digging shrew Dagmar and she blocks his way to attending Julliard. Helping Edward are his group of very resourceful and game friends, free spirit Paula D’Angelo, enterprising Natie Nudelman (affectionately called Cheesehead), Edward’s sometime girlfriend, perky blonde Kelly, exotic Persian transfer student Ziba and football jock Doug Grabowski who’s more at home with the theatre geeks than his sport cronies. Together, with the sometime reluctant help of Paula’s dotty Aunt Glo, they scheme to defeat the rapacious Dagmar and make Edward’s musical dream come true.

    The Queen’s Man (2000)-In the year 1193 young Justin de Quincy witnesses the murder of a tradesman on the road from Winchester to London. As he lies dying the man hands Justin a letter and begs him to find a way to get it to the queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine. Letter in hand he’s brought into Eleanor’s presence and her confidence leading to a world of intrigue and danger as Eleanor plots to save her favorite son, Richard the Lionhearted whilst her grasping younger son John schemes to seize the throne. Great historical detail and an engaging lead character makes a good adventure.

    A Cast of Killers (1986)-In 1982 author Sidney Kirkpatrick is commissioned to write a biography of King Vidor, director of classics The Big Parade and Stella Dallas among many others. Delving into Vidor’s papers he discovered a trove of research that the director and his good friend former silent star Colleen Moore had compiled on the unsolved 1922 murder of film director William Desmond Taylor. Putting the Vidor bio aside for the moment Kirkpatrick built on the existing research and plunged into the jazz mad world of the twenties where men with vague pasts such as Taylor’s could rise to the level of respected film director. Along the way he acquaints the reader with the many people, shaded by Vidor’s intimate knowledge of the film community of the time, involved in the case including the two stars, comic legend Mabel Normand and supposedly innocent Mary Miles Minter, whose careers were destroyed in the scandal and the massive cover-up and graft that protected the killer, whom Vidor deduced, for decades. A fascinating story begging to be filmed.

    1. I haven't read any of those. How I Paid For College sounds like the one I'd like the best.

      I definitely recommend checking out When A Fan Hits the Shit, or at least reading about the scandal online. It's wild.

  2. I agree about a movie just for this vixen-The widow needs one for sure. I don't know the events of your last choice but would like to know more. How sad when people fake an illness or something just to get money-disgusting

    1. You should look that book up or at least the story online. There's quite a bit of info on it out there. It's fascinating.

  3. Black Widow, so right! I can't for the life of me understand why they aren't on it.

  4. Does Scarlett Johannsson/Black Widow deserve her own solo movie? HELL YES. Am I clamoring for it right now? Honestly, no. I'm so burned out on all these superhero movies and I'm not sure her backstory is interesting enough to me to carry an entire feature. But the fact that they're giving Captain f'ing Marvel a movie before Black Widow is RIDICULOUS.

    1. It is. Personally, I'm not burnt out on Superhero movies because they're fun but they are going to make Captain Marvel so powerful that I think both Widow and Scarlet Witch will take a backseat to her.

  5. Black Widow solo film. FUCK YES AND TAKE ALL OF MY GODDAMN MONEY because I want to fucking see Scar-Jo 3:16 lay a shitload of whoop-ass on everyone. Have her give some asshole a Scar-Jo Stunna! Then another Stunna and another and another and another and another and another! I'd be screaming like Good Ol' JR saying SCAR-JO! SCAR-JO! SCAR-JO!!!!!! Throw out some Scar-weisers to her and have her drink all of them beers! That's the bottom line cause Scar-Jo says so bitch!

    1. I think this is the most enthusiastic Scarlett comment I've ever seen. lol

  6. I can't get on the Black Widow train but I'm game for the others!

  7. Hell yes to the Black Widow movie!!!! It sucks that the Red Sparrow one with JLaw looks like the BW movie we deserve.

    1. Oh I know. I think that looks like a bit of an Atomic Blonde rip off but yes, I would much rather have Black Widow.

  8. I'm feeling the Superhero fatigue. Like I'll watch but I don't care. And Black Widow has never really interest me. Also I think I prefer spy/agent movies to not be superhero movies.

    1. I think they could pull off something like that. Logan was technically a super hero movie but didn't feel like one.


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