Thursday Movie Picks: Movies You Have A Different Opinion Of After Rewatching

This week we have Steven of The Void to thank for topic. Over at Wandering Through The Shelves it's all about those movies that you felt one way or another at first, then changed after watching it a second time. The one that instantly came to for me was Fargo but I already used it this year. I kind of struggled a bit with this, I know there's so many films that make me feel this way but I've never kept track of them in any way. I literally went through my watched films on Letterboxd waiting for a title to jump out at me and here's what I came up with.

1) The Exorcist

This movie absolutely terrified me as a child but when I re-watched it again, it wasn't so scary. Actually, it was quite brilliant. While hiding my face behind my hands I swore I'd never watch it again and I'm very glad I put on my big girl panties and got over it. 

2) Up

It's almost comical how much I hated Up when it first came out. I looked back at a few of my old posts about it and MAN I was harsh. But then I had a baby and he grew into a little boy who adores this movie and now I have a newfound love for it as well. It's actually high on my Pixar list. Oh what motherhood did to my cold black heart. 

3) Thor

Can you believe me, proud holder of the Marvel Bitch card actually didn't like Thor when it first came out? I thought it was so dull and I had a massive headache afterwards because I had to see it in 3D. It wasn't until after Avengers came out that I went back to Thor and enjoyed it more. It's still nowhere near the top of my list but I wasn't bored the second time around. 


  1. Ha Ha... fun post. Funny thing, I'm still not super high on The Exorcist even though I know it is considered a classic. Up is interesting too. I've always adored its opening sequence but I don't remember a thing about its last half. Never stuck with me. I have always liked Thor though. :)

  2. I was terrified to watch The Exorcist and I remember people passing out and throwing up in the theatre when this movie first came out. Every time it was on TV I would try to watch it but I would turn the channel to the Love Boat as soon as she turned her head 360. I finally saw it in full and it still scared me especially when she walked down those stairs...freaky! I finally watched UP 2 years ago and it is a sweet film overall. I enjoyed Thor but felt they were just feeling their way around this character in the first film.

    1. They were, while I liked The Dark World, I think Thor came alive in Ragnarok.

  3. Omg I can’t believe you hated Up the first time you watched it, that one is some if not Pixar’s finest.

    1. I know! I think I was just salty because I didn't expect to be crying in the first five minutes.

  4. My first job when I was barely in my teens was as an usher in a second run theatre which usually got terrible junk that was washing out at the box office but every once in a while they booked something good and when that happened it played foreverrrrr! One of those films was The Exorcist which I made the mistake of not seeing right when it arrived so I never gave it a fair shake at the time since all I saw were snippets when I checked the theatre and the last few minutes before the end to be there to open the doors for the departing audience. By the time it left I was heartily sick of it and never sat down to see it from start to finish until the big anniversary re-release about 10 years ago. It really is an excellently constructed film with great performances.

    You know I'm not an animation fan but someone suggested to me that Up was something special so I gave it a go and was pleasantly surprised at how mature and touching it was.

    I hated Thor. I was bored throughout. I WON'T see films in 3-D, I end up with a pounding headache for the rest of the day when I do. No movie is worth that.

    I'm sitting out this week. The only movie I could think of was the Julie Christie/Alan Bates version of Far from the Madding Crowd which I didn't like at first but discovered it was one of those films that require multiple viewings to reveal its magic. I love it now but I've used it before.

    1. I hate watching movies in 3D. I think the only movies I've watched willingly in 3D since Thor were Gravity and The Walk, and 3D was okay in those. Otherwise I avoid it like the plague.

  5. OMG between you not liking Thor at first and people in our blogosphere saying Fat Thor wasn't awesome it is clear only my love is pure and true :D

    1. looool I always appreciated Thor's looks at least, but I was not feeling this first one. I do think having to see it in 3D affected that greatly though because I was not having a good time with that.

  6. I watched The Exorcist as a teen and I was so disappointed that it wasn't scary. Recently I watched a few minutes of it when it was aired on TV and I found the scenes involving the whole not knowing what was wrong with Reagan (remember all the medical tests she had to go through) was scarier than the crazy possession scenes.

    1. Those are the scenes I find most frightening too.

  7. Thor is a film that I think is a better film after a 2nd and third viewing as I wasn't enamored with it at first but I enjoyed it more. Even after Ragnarok as it made me feel more for Loki as well as understand why Odin got so angry. It's still not in the top of my list of films of the MCU!!!! but I still think it is worth watching.

  8. I have never gone back and watched the Exorcist, and this post has me curious to do so.

    You HATED Up? Is that even possible? Hahaha...that's some cold shit, Brittani. Ice cold.

  9. I still haven't seen Up or the Exorcist yet, but I've been hearing lots of good things about that movie, so I might give it a try! I need to rewatch Thor down the line to see if I still like that movie.

    Here's my Thursday movie picks:

    1. Obviously, I'd recommend both! I hope you get to see them.

  10. Nice picks! Except for the first fifteen minutes of the beginning and ending, I didn't quite like Up when it was released either. It's been a while since I've watched it, and might have to see if my opinion has changed.

    1. Maybe you'll appreciate it more like I do. I'm still surprised at my change of heart.


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