Review: Little Women

Own your story

Jo March (Saoirse Ronan) reflects on her life growing up with her three sisters, Amy, (Florence Pugh) Beth (Eliza Scanlen) and Meg (Emma Watson) along with their mother, Marmee (Laura Dern) while their father is away. Jo has ambitions of being an author but still has to provide for her family. She intends to make her own way in life, as do her sisters.

The only other version of Little Women I've seen is the 94 version, which I watched and enjoyed quite often. It's impossible for me not to compare the two. I think they're fairly even quality wise.

I love Saoirse Ronan. She's one of my favorite working actresses and she's great here, but it's not often Ronan gets upstaged. But in this film she is by Florence Pugh, who is had a fantastic year. One of my favorite things about this version was how they handled Amy. Because Florence plays her through all the time jumps, the fact that she eventually marries Laurie is far less creepy than it was in the 94 version. It's a bit weird to say you love someone tantrums, but I loved Amy's. She was just so much fun. Beth has the least to do of the sisters but I loved the way Scanlen delivered her small "aside" lines. Emma Watson was hands down the worst part of this film. She barely holds together her American accent and honestly she felt like she was in a different movie. Meg's scenes were always my least favorite part.

One choice director Greta Gerwig makes to set her version apart was the ever changing timeline. I think that worked really well in certain scenes, but overall I wasn't a fan of the transition. I understand why she did it, but it missed more often than it hit. 

The costumes are lovely, and I think I prefer them to the 94 version and of course Alexandre Desplat wrote a lovely score for the film. I had a lovely time watching this. After getting snowed in for three days and having my original plans to watch this put on hold, it was well worth the wait.

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B

Memorable Quote: "I never thought I'd be readying the horses so Jo March could chase a man." - Laurie (Timothee Chalamet)


  1. No one owns a tantrum like Florence Pugh! I adore Saoirse Ronan but Florence owns the screen here <3

  2. I cannot wait to see this one and I already sense I'd have to grade it lower because of damn Watson lol

    1. This would've been a A with someone else in the part lol

  3. I have to admit I came into this movie with no past knowledge of Little Women. So it was more or less an entirely new experience for me and I loved it. I caught it on a screener but now I really want to go see it on the big screen. And, this is my 14-year-old daughter's #1 movie from last year (made me proud).

    1. Your daughter has good taste! I'm glad you liked it. I should probably watch the two older versions but I really enjoyed the 94 one.

  4. I enjoyed the hell out of this film. The '94 version had been on Showtime as I've been meaning to see it again. I really liked what Gerwig did with this film. Saiorse Ronan is killing it and it makes me wonder when she will do a low-brow comedy film. Florence Pugh was great as is Laura Dern, Chris Cooper, and Timothee Chalamet.

    I did like Emma Watson in the film but she lost me completely with her stupid comments about Jo's plight in comparison to what Taylor Swift is going through now in regards to her masters. She's a fucking idiot. Brittani, do me a favor and bitch-slap her for me.

    1. lol I just try to ignore both of them. No need for violence from me. I actually used to really like Taylor back in the day when she was first starting out. Watson, I've always had issue with since she was Hermione and I didn't get another choice.

  5. I realize there are some stories that you can return to the well with over and over and over again (Pride and Prejudice comes to mind as well as many Shakespeare plays) but I'm not sure I'm up for another telling of this old chestnut.

    I enjoyed the book and there are good (and some not so good) things in all of the previous takes (I've seen all three filmed versions plus a TV miniseries in the 70's) I'm just not in a big rush to go through it all again.

    I'm not much of a Emma Watson fan but in fairness Meg is the weakest, least defined character in the whole piece. In every version I've seen the actress who plays her is the most forgettable, even Janet Leigh in the 40's film.

    I'm sure I'll get around to this eventually but looking over the cast list there are some other questionable decisions that I think may irk me.

    I don't get all the love that Chalamet engenders. To me he's a wan droopy eyed void. But then Laurie is sort of mushy so he may work.

    I am a Meryl Streep fan but she's no Aunt March. It's a great flashy, vinegary part but not for her. The role has Imelda Staunton's name written all over it.

    I can't see Laura Dern as Marmee at all.

    So basically someday when I'm flipping through channels and I see it starting I'll give it a shot but I don't hold out much hope.

    1. Dern is good and Streep is fine. TO me Aunt March was more a catalyst than a character. I think Chalamet is good. I don't stan him like many do on Twitter but he's been solid. Hopefully this makes for a decent TV watch for you down the line!

  6. Nice review! Greta did a great job directing overall, but the whole film doesn't stick out to me as a whole - only certain scenes and performances. I'm hoping Saoirse gets nominated, even if I prefer Brooklyn/Lady Bird a little more. I didn't mind Emma, but I agree that Meg's scenes felt like she was in a different movie - they weren't featured well among Beth, Amy, and Jo' scenes.

    1. I love Saoirse, but I do prefer Brooklyn and Lady Bird as well. I wish she would've won for Brooklyn, I loved the book and she was the perfect Eilish.


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