Thursday Movie Picks - Erotic Thrillers

This week's theme from Wandering Through The Shelves are those sexy, sexy erotic thrillers. Fitting since I've been listening to You Must Remember This podcast's new season focused on the erotic 90's. Truthfully I haven't seen a lot of the big erotic thrillers of the 90's, but I did mange to think of 3 films that would qualify.

1) Eyes Wide Shut
- Sex, cults, failing relationships, this one has it all covered.

2) In Secret
- I watched this movie solely because I wanted to see Elizabeth Olsen and Oscar Isaac's sex scenes. It might be light on the thrilling part, but the erotic part checks out.

3) Plush -
I just have to talk about this mess of a movie. Look, I love Emily Browning and Catherine Hardwicke has a ton of talent but the erotic punk rock thriller they were going for her was just...not it. 


  1. Oh dear I'm 0 for 3 this time out!

    I suppose I should have broken down and watched Eyes Wide Shut by now but I find both Kidman and Cruise pretty resistible and the story of the actual film never drew me in despite Kubrick's involvement. Probably some day I'll get there but I'm in no rush.

    I'm unfamiliar with the other two but I do like Oscar Isaac so I'll look into that one.

    I usually go for older films but with erotic thrillers vs. the old Production Code I think I'll have to go with choices of a more recent vintage. The first would be the 2002 film "Unfaithful" with a great performance by Diane Lane (she was Oscar nominated). Speaking of great performances that leads me to 1994's "The Last Seduction" wherein Linda Fiorentino is flat out brilliant. For some arcane reason the film and therefore her performance was disqualified from being eligible for Oscar nominations but the consensus was that had she been she would have won in a walk. The last is the intriguing "Swimming Pool" from 2003 again with a great central performance by Charlotte Rampling in this moody, slightly fractured thriller.

    1. I'm surprised you haven't seen Eyes Wide Shut! But I get it if you don't care for the actors. I don't care for Cruise either. Unfaithful I've heard great things about but have never seen. Same with Swimming Pool. I need to check those out.

  2. I have not seen any of these. I might see the first 2..funny that I never felt a desire to see Eyes Wide Shut.

    1. Definitely skip Plush lol. The first two are better.

  3. Plush is the one film I haven't seen except for the sex scenes (I'm a dude, what do you expect) as I do like Emily Browning as she should have a bigger career. Eyes Wide Shut is a masterpiece while In Secret is awesome as seeing Elizabeth Olsen and Oscar Isaac getting it on is just sexy.

    1. I agree on Emily Browning. She's very underrated and fearless as an actress. Sleeping Beauty was a brave role to take, IMO. Not a good movie, but a role I couldn't see many bigger name actresses doing.

  4. I replied to this on Thursday but I guess it didn't go through!

    I haven't seen any of your picks this time. I've avoided Eyes Wide Shut since I don't care (to put it mildly) for either Cruise or Kidman though the Kubrick connection will probably lead me to watching it one day.

    The other two are new to me. You describing Plush as a mess doesn't make me want to track it down but I do like Oscar Isaac so I'll put his movie on my radar.

    I usually go for older films but with erotic thrillers I'll have to come forward a bit to come up with three. The first would be the 2002 film "Unfaithful" with an exceptional Oscar nominated performance by Diane Lane. Speaking of great performances, my next is 1994's "The Last Seduction" wherein Linda Fiorentino is flat out brilliant. For some arcane reason, the film and therefore her performance were disqualified from being eligible for Oscar nominations, but the consensus was that had she been she would have won in a walk. The last is the intriguing "Swimming Pool" from 2003 again with a great central performance by Charlotte Rampling in this moody, slightly fractured thriller.

    1. It was sitting in my spam for some reason. Blogger is weird.

  5. I’ve seen the bottom two.
    I like In Secret…that it has more than just a period drama adulterous plot.
    Plush I don’t remember it being very good. Trying too hard to be rock star sexy.

  6. Eyes Wide Shut is a great pick, I totally forgot about that one.


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