5 Years of Rambling

Today marks 5 years since I've started this blog. It's crazy to think that I've kept this up. That I've been chatting about movies with all of you for this long. That I've tweeted every awards show with you guys for this long.  I still love every minute of it. 

One of the things I really love about the movie blogging community is how welcoming and respectful everyone is. When you're part of other sites and fandoms and what not, it's easy to find a group of people you clash with. I've never run across that here. Even when we disagree, I feel everyone is still very polite and at least attempts to understand an opposing point of view. It's a nice thing to witness. 

So what I want to say is "thank you." Thank you for reading my blog, and thank you for writing yours.


  1. You're welcome on both fronts.

    I think I see what you mean. I've interacted with a lot of movie bloggers and usually the rudest thing that anyone's ever done is not respond to one of my comments, which isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things. Granted for me when it comes to James Bond that's a whole other story but I at least try to avoid other people's articles on the issue best I can.

    1. I don't take the comment thing too personally, because I didn't respond to all of them at first either. I felt awkward, like I didn't know what to add. But I kicked that habit, responding is better.

    2. I suppose that makes sense. I usually try to respond as much as I can but it happens once in a while. I've practically started ignoring most of the James Bond comments I get (I don't know if you've ever tried to explain the sexism of the Bond franchise to a die hard fan; they never listen and all they do is fling insults at you, bring up the same easily refuted arguments and try to make up rationalizations all while completely missing the point of what you're saying).

  2. Congrats Britt! And Thanks for all of your support of my work and your friendship...

    1. Any time! Even when you post things about Alex Pettyer and Taylor Kitsch :P

  3. Gurl! You are so awesome. I love how blogging for such a short time has brought me such rich friendships with other bloggers, and you are truly one of my favorites! Love your blog and love being part of your blogging family.

    Happy five years!!!

    1. Aww, you are such a doll, seriously. I love you and your blog too!

  4. Happy birthday to your blog! Five years is such a milestone! :)

  5. Congrats on five years! I'm sure there is more greatness to come :)

  6. Yay!! Happy blogiversary! Your blog is one of my favorites to visit, because it's funny, engaging, and void of snarky nonsense. I've really enjoyed talking about films with you these past few years. Here's to another five years!

  7. Congratulations Brittani! Thanks for being one of the first bloggers to read my own blog, it's been greatly appreciated :)

    1. Thank YOU for blogging! I'm glad we found each other. lol

  8. Congrats!! This is a big thing, man, aren't we old? I mean, I'm 4,5 but still, 5 is like old! Just kidding, best of luck with the next 5 years and keep up the rambling!! :)

  9. 5 years? 5 YEARS!!!! Insanity!

    Anyway, congrats on keeping it going that long. That's f--king excellent. I love your blog and how concise you always keep it. I hope you keep at it for another five years, too. Like Alex said, Yay!

    1. Thank you :) I like being concise. It's only when I really start hating on something that things get long. haha

  10. Congrats on the big milestone, 5 years on the web, that's impressive!

  11. Congrats on a wonderful milestone. I've only just made your acquaintance (and a number of others) over the last few months and its been a pleasure reading your blog and, of course you checking out mine. Looking forward to talking movies with you for the next 5 years.

    1. Yes! I'm glad to have found you recently as well. (Another thing I love about blogging, always finding new ones)

  12. Hey, that's so great!!! Congratulations on a job well done!!! You were the very first person to follow my blog, and I'll always appreciate that. You're posts are some of my favorites, and I can always count on your film reviews being super honest. I love that you write how you feel, and not necessarily to appease your readers. You proved that with your Citizen Kane review. Mass respect to you!!!

    1. Haha. Thank you! I didn't know I was the first to follow your wonderful blog. I hope there are 1000's more after me!

  13. This site is one of my favorite film blogs -- I've thoroughly enjoyed following it over the past few years. Congratulations on your 5-year anniversary!

  14. You're seriously one of the nicest movie bloggers I know, and super supportive. Congrats on the 5 years!

    1. Thank you! That means a lot. Your blog is one of the first ones I started following.

  15. Congrats on the 5 years. In a couple of days, I'm about to have my 14th Anniversary as a critic though I had my blog for 7-8 years but it then became something else nearly 4 years ago after I quit Epinions.com due to all sorts of things. I'm just glad I found your blog and made it one of the most frequent ones that I like to read. Again, congratulations.

    1. Wow! That's a really long time. I don't blame you for quitting Epinions.com, that's actually the first place I had ever posted a movie review, and that was the worst idea ever. Thank you :)

    2. Yeah and a few months ago, that site finally died. Good fucking riddance.

  16. 5 years is a really long time, Brittani! It is really awesome you have kept this space going this long. Congrats! and here is too many more. :)

  17. THANK YOU for your blog! Your writing is so awesome and funny and I love all of the one liners here 'because fuck you' etc. :) Always a gem to find on this site and your TV recaps are my favorite.

    Man I must run in shady crowd cause there is always drama for me on tumblr and blogger....it's like my delightful swearing and passionate shitting on celebrities comes around with drama...I wonder why?:P Oh, well :)

    Keep posting, keep running the site and congrats!

    1. Tumblr..oh my God, don't even get me started on Tumblr! I've had to block several people on that. (mostly within the TWD fandom)

      Personally, I love your swearing and shitting on celebs.

  18. Congratulations on your blogaversary! I hope you have many more movies to watch, love, and hate. :)

  19. Happy anniversary!! I believe 5 years is a long time for blogging. I know a lot of people who have given up in a much shorter time. Even myself am not as active.

    You're spot on about the blogging community and differences of opinion. And thank you for blogging, especially those 'indie gems'... i would have known about most of them if it wasn't for your blog!

  20. Happy belated birthday! Five years is incredible! You should be so proud! :D

  21. Congrats on 5 years! Here's to another 5 and beyond! :)

  22. Belated congrats on your milestone! I think I've been blogging about the same amount of time. Keep up the great work, it's always fun talking about movies right? :D

    1. Thank you! and it is. Movie talk never gets old.

  23. Sorry I missed it, but a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your blog, Brittani! I absolutely adore you and your blog. I always look to your blog first when I'm thinking what film should I see now.


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