Against The Crowd Blogathon

Wendell over at Dell on Movies has a new blogathon! He's asking us to pick movies that we're "against the crowd" on. To pick one that we love that everyone else hates, and one that we hate that everyone else loves. Here are the rules:

1. Pick one movie that "everyone" loves (the more iconic, the better). That movie must have a score of at least 80% on Tell us why you hate it.

2. Pick one movie that "everyone" hates (the more notorious, the better). That movie must have a score of less than 30% on Tell us why you love it.

3. Include the tomato meter scores of both movies.

Rebel Without A Cause 

No, you're tearing ME apart.

This movie was on my Blind Spot list this year, and I was genuinely looking forward to seeing it. It was awful. How was this over the top film considered a classic? How is James Dean considered a fantastic actor? I didn't see anything to support those theories with this movie. I saw a ton of over-acting and ridiculous situations. Obviously 96% of people will disagree, but this movie was just not for me.


Walk into this prison like "what up? I'm conflicted."

My friend once joked that this was my "feel good" movie because I was watching it when I had freshly gotten home from the hospital once. I just think it's a good horror movie. The story was interesting, it was creepy, it had jumpy scenes, including one that made me accidentally dump half my popcorn on my friend when I saw this in theaters. Robert Downey Jr. was in it. He and Halle Berry had good chemistry. The twist was decent and it was gory. It's still one I always go to when I'm bored. I knew people didn't like it, but I was shocked to see its rating was at 15% Come on, The Room is at 33%!

Thanks for hosting, Wendell!


  1. No James Dean for you, huh? Lol. Haven't seen it yet, but that one is near the top of my list. I did see Gothika and wasn't too thrilled with it. Great choices because you're definitely against the crowd. Thanks for participating.

    1. Thank you for hosting! I do need to see James Dean's other work, but I really didn't get a good impression of him from this. I can see where people that say he's just trying to copy Brando are getting it now.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. He was. John Carrol Lynch always plays good creeps.

      I just can't wrap my head around Rebel. That was

  3. Gothika was OK but I try not to remember it because of that awful cover of the Who's "Behind Blue Eyes" by Limp Bizkit and that awful video.

  4. I haven't seen either of these movies, but I've always wanted to see Rebel Without a Cause for the movie hype and James Dean hype. Your opinion fascinates me, since no one has ever spoken badly of it...not I've GOT to see it haha

    1. I'm definitely in the minority there. I don't know anyone who hates it as much as I did either.

  5. Rebel Without A Cause probably has that high of a rating because only 46 people have reviewed it.

    I'm shocked that Gothika has that low of a rating. Its not that memorable, but I was entertained when I saw it. Definitely doesn't deserve to be 15%.

    1. But I don't think you have to review a film to rate it on RT? Can't you just rate alone? I guess I wasn't paying attention to the number of the reviews each title got.

  6. i love Gothika! Penelope Cruz was excellent in it

  7. Oh that is a yummy gif of RDJ! I quite liked Gothika too, it was solid and creepy, definitely better than most of movies that are trying to pass as horrors nowadays.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one that liked it. (15%? really?!)

  8. Wow, i remember hating the shit out of Gothika, but perhaps it was because I had to sit in the front row at the theater (always a mood-killer, you know, the inability to see what the fuck is happening). Maybe I'll check it out again...?

    As for Rebel, I never really had any interest in that one....but now I do. It sounds like it would be my kind of good time.

    1. I'd love to read your review on Rebel..unless it's like "Brittani doesn't know what the fuck she's talking about" and in that case, I'll cry.

  9. Nice picks! Though I love Rebel Without a Cause, I never got around to Gothika. I need to check it out.

    1. I can see you appreciating Gothika. It doesn't lack on the creep factor, that's for sure.

  10. You are literally the first person who liked Rebel Without a Cause as little as I did, I'm always so happy when I'm reminded of that. Maybe it's just that we expected so much more from it? Huh.

    Great post though, Brittani! If I could stomach horror, I'd definitely see Gothika. If one day I'll become a bit steadier about it, I'll be sure to give Gothika a watch. :)

    1. I think you're right about our expectations. I think I tend to have high expectations for a lot of classic films, then find myself let down by them.


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