2015 Blind Spot Series

I had such a good time doing the Blind Spot challenge in 2014 that doing it again was a no brainer. This year's list is a little different though. A few of these movies I've actually seen bits and pieces of, but I've never sat down to watch the entire film in one sitting and I'd like to change that. Here's my list! What have you seen? Am I in for a good year?

*EDIT - I have updated my list with their final letter grades.*

1) Misery (A)
2) Primal Fear (A)
3) Mulholland Dr. (B)
4) Smiles of a Summer Night (A-)
5) Taxi Driver (A)
6) Bringing Up Baby (B-)
7) Welcome to the Dollhouse (B)
8) His Girl Friday (B-)
9) The Crying Game (A-)
10)The Elephant Man (A)
11) Winter Light (B-)
12) Enter The Void (B+)

(I'm not sure why I saved my gif here. I've had this draft for months, but I'm leaving it because it's hysterical. I suppose it could represent how I feel about awesome movies.)


  1. I've watched 8 of these. Obviously Taxi Driver is my fav and can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!! The Elephant Man and Enter the Void were on my shortlist for next year's blind spot :P

    1. They're both on Netflix Instant in the U.S, so that was a plus for me. 4 Of these films are. Gotta love that.

  2. I've only seen three of those but they're good! Taxi Driver is the best, then Bringing Up Baby, which was my first screwball, and His Girl Friday last, because I found it very VERY wordy. I should see it again now that I'm more used to the genre.

    lol, that gif.

    1. Nice! I'll have to remember that about His Girl Friday. I don't really know a lot about it.

  3. Oh wow, you do have some good ones. Mulholland Drive might be one of Lynch's best films, right up there with Lost Highway and Blue Velvet. It gets a bit weird at times but afterwards it will really keep you thinking. The Elephant Man is also a very emotional story, I think you'll like it. John Hurt delivers an amazing performance there.

    Bringing Up Baby is hilarious. You can't go wrong with that film. His Girl Friday is a bit less screwball antics and more character interaction but it still has some pretty amusing lines and pretty good chemistry between the leads. Not to mention a surprisingly impressive female lead for a movie released in 1940. Howard Hawks was known to have a lot of strong female characters in his movies despite the time he was working in.

    Then of course Taxi Drive is also a very good movie. It's interesting to see a teenage Jodie Foster making an appearance in her first big screen role. Robert De Niro plays an interesting character and Martin Scorsese makes a cameo as a creepy passenger.

    Incidentally, I actually managed to finally complete my own 2015 list. Perhaps you'd like to check it out and let me know what you think:


    1. Yeah Mulholland Drive and Taxi Driver are two that I've seen parts off, I don't know what's taken me so long to finish them.

  4. YEY Mulholland Drive!!! So glad you're finally going to see the whole thing. Misery is another one I love on your list, such great performances in both of these films

    1. I've seen so many Misery meme, I figured I need to watch the damn movie. lol

  5. Hey Brittani! Sorry I haven't been by here in ages. Catching up now. :)

    I love the variety of your list. I haven't seen Welcome to the Dollhouse, but everything else should provide a wide range of reactions. Can't wait to see what you think of those films.

  6. I've only seen four of these. Taxi Driver is easily my fave of the bunch. It's Scorsese and De Niro at their best. Misery is also fantastic. Kathy Bates gives us one of, if not the best female villain of all time. I also really like The Elephant Man.

    Speaking of Lynch, I'm most curious about your opinion on Mulholland Drive. It's a polarizing movie and I'm on the "not a fan" side. I'll definitely be on the lookout for that one.

    1. That movie does seem to provoke a lot of discussion. Like it's really for some people and not others. I'm excited about it.

  7. ...these are all blindspots for me as well, apart from Misery. Kathy Bates is fantasticly scary, I think you'll enjoy that :)

    1. I think I will too. That's the one I'm most looking forward to.

  8. I've seen 7 of these films. Is Winter Light the Turkish film? I think I have that in my 2015 watchlist that I'm still finishing up on.

    1. Oh. Then it's 8 films. I'm really out of it. I think I should take a few days off.

  9. I've only seen His Girl Friday from your list! I'm looking forward to see your thoughts about it.

    1. I've always heard good things about it. I'm looking forward to it, it's on Netflix Instant now, so it will probably be one of my early ones.

  10. Oh wow, you're going to have a hell of a year. Some of my all-time favorites up there. I mean, Taxi Driver IS my all-time favorite, so I hope you enjoy!

  11. This is a list that I'm pretty unfamiliar with as well! I've been meaning to watch Mulholland Drive for AGES!

    1. Misery is so great!!! You should save that one for a gloomy quiet morning/afternoon.
      I still have to watch Enter The Void, too. I ALWSYS hear good things about it, but always feel like, "do I really feel like sitting for three hours watching one film today".
      Welcome to the Dollhouse has some really funny moments, but I find it super depressing.

    2. My Kindle ALWAYS makes me reply to other comments... Ugh.

    3. I've always heard great things about Enter the Void too, but when I added it to my Netflix queue, I was surprised it was only released in 2009. I thought it was much older than that.

  12. I have seen Misery, Mulholland Drive, Taxi Driver, and Welcome to the Dollhouse. Love all of them, except Mulholland Drive. David Lynch's movies just don't work for me. Misery is so awesome!! I've decided to do a Blind Spot Series as well this year. Really excited about it!

    1. I'm glad you decided to jump on as well. I wish I would've started a year earlier. ha

  13. Good luck, Brittani! I have seen Mulholland Drive only, but I'm planning to put Taxi Driver to my list on 2015 for my first participation in this series. Cheers!

  14. I've only seen eight of your twelve, so it looks like we'll both be spending some time in the dark next year...

    ...wait a second, that didn't sound right...

    1. lol. It's all good. I know you mentioned not seeing the Elephant Man at one point, hopefully it's good!

  15. Some awesome films there. The Elephant Man is a tremendously moving film.

    I've never done the Blind Spot challenge before. So it's basically you pick 12 classic films you never saw before and watch them right?

    1. Yep! You could pick more than 12 if you wanted, I believe. But I landed on that because it's one per month. Then Ryan posts them on the last Tuesday of every month on his blog.

  16. This is a cool list, Brittani. I've only seen six of them, so there is some great variety to it. Mulholland Drive is a gem that everyone should see. You'll have an impression, good or bad. I also love His Girl Friday so much. You're in for a great year!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, Mulholland Drive seems to get some strong opinions on both sides.

  17. Very cool list. Several I have seen but several I have not. This is my first year fooling around with the Blind Spot thing. I think I am really going to enjoy it.

    1. Thank you! I hope you enjoy the Blind Spot series. I love it. It really pushed me towards those classics I always ignore.

  18. Mulholland Drive is on my Blind Spot list too! I love that you have Bergman on your list and not one of his better known films too. Taxi Driver's alot of fun. Can't wait to read your reviews :)

    1. I'm excited to finish Taxi Driver, and it just came back on Netflix Instant so that's awesome


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