Thursday Movie Picks: Stepfamiles

It's another all in the family edition and Wandering Through The Shelves and this week's topic is step families. Or as I liked to call it: "That week where I tried really hard to pick something other than Stepmom" and also "The week I kicked myself for already using What Maisie Knew and Pan's Labyrinth" So let me give you the good, the weird, and the ugly side of step parents.

1) Juno

I think one of the most important parts about Juno to me was how supportive the step mother was. A lot of films paint step parents in a negative light, but this one we had the step mom being as supportive as she could with the situation. 

2) Step Brothers

It's the fucking Catalina Wine Mixer and also one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. I about died when Farrell called Richard Jenkins a "geriatric fuck."

3) Bastard out of Carolina

This film is so hard to watch. When I first saw it on TV (on Lifetime because of course) it was heavily edited and I had no clue. Then I watched the original cut later on and nope'd the hell out of a re-watch ever again. Jena Malone gives one of the best young performances I've ever seen. Why they didn't throw an Emmy (It was a TV movie) at this child is beyond me. I'm raging all over again thinking of how much I hated both the mother and step father in this film. 


  1. I love the inclusion of Step Brothers! Jenkins was so funny in this movie

    1. Yes! Because of that movie every time I see Jenkins in a film now, I want to burst out laughing, even if it's a drama.

  2. Juno is awesome! I have yet to finish Step Brothers, only caught the beginning and end of the movie.

  3. I love Juno as i found it inspiring and wholesome in a weird kind of way. I have not see Step Brothers but would love to-sounds funny and I have not even heard of the last film.

  4. Terrific picks for the theme. I've only seen Juno, I liked it but didn't love it. Janney and Simmons however were stellar. I'm not much of a Ferrell fan so I've avoided Step Brothers and Bastard though I'm sure it's worthy looks and sounds brutal.

    1. Step Brothers is hysterical. John C. Reilly and Adam Scott really bring it, It's worth seeing for them at least. Bastard is very brutal. I was afraid to even talk about it this week

  5. I hate that I now want to seek out that Malone flick you're talking about here...

    1. It's so disturbing, you'll probably throw something. It doesn't leave you though.

  6. Never heard of Bastard, but since I LOVE Jena Malone now I really want to see it.

    Juno is just the best. I thought it was a little too "out of its depth" when I first saw it, but it is super rewatchable, and only seems to get better with age. That script is SO great and the performances are just incredible across the board.

    1. It's a good performance of hers but it's so disturbing and hard to watch at times. I love Juno too. I got a little annoyed with Diablo Cody's lingo after awhile, but it's still a wonderful little film.

  7. Great picks. I had a good laugh with Step Brothers, too. Juno is awfully popular this week. Not my fave, but it's a solid flick. Haven't seen all of the last one, but what I saw was a doozy. Need to go back to that one.

    1. Yeah, that one IS a doozy. Juno is really popular today. I expected to see Stepmom the most.

  8. "We're here to fuck shit up!" Fucking love that movie.

    Bastard Out of Carolina was tough to watch. I'm glad you showed some love for my boo.

  9. That movie was tough to watch. I didn't get through it. I do love Jena. She's such an incredible actress and she doesn't get the recognition she deserves.

    Question - when do you usually announce your thursday picks so others can participate? Thanks.

    1. If you click the link I have in there to Wanderer's site, she's already got the entire list for the year mapped out so anyone can jump in at any time. When her post goes up, (She's in Asia, so I usually see it on Wed afternoons) there's a widget at the bottom that you add your link to.

  10. I love Allison Janney's character in Juno! Great call.

  11. Juno!
    Seeing a lot of Step Brothers for this theme. Still haven't seen it yet.
    Haven't heard of Bastard out of Carolina before. You mention it's a movie so I guess that's why. They don't usually come out way.

    1. It was released in the early 90's too, so it's probably even harder to come across on DVD. Step Brother is hysterical and definitely worth a watch.

  12. Oh, Juno is a great choice. I need to see BOOC.


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