Thursday Movie Picks: Asian Language Movies Set in East Asia

This week's theme at the ever wonderful Wandering Through The Shelves is Asian Langauge movies set in East Asia. The catch is they cannot be horror movies. This made me realize I have not seen enough Asia non-horror. So while my picks are probably going to be very obvious, what I'm really looking forward to is everyone else's for the recommendations. So here it goes!

1) Departures

The Oscar winner is about a man who thinks he's applying for a job at a travel agency when he ends up getting one preparing the dead for the afterlife. It's beautifully shot and acted. (Even though the 4 Ways a Best Picture gents didn't love it as much as I did)

2) Battle Royale

The idea of this film IS horrifying, but I wouldn't call it a horror movie. It's about as much of one as the Hunger Games is, only this is gorier. Middle schoolers getting dropped on an island to fight to the death, it's so twisted.* 

3) Oldboy

Oldboy is the example I always use when I try to argue the cases of dubs ruining films. When I first watched Oldboy, it was the English dub, and I thought it was terrible. The lead actor's speaking voice and "thinking" voice were different and took me out of the moment. Then Netflix finally got the subtitled version and it was like watching an entirely different film.

* And if Battle Royale is too horror-y, then my bonus pick is Spirited Away


  1. Battle Royale should be No1! It's my fave Asian film ever and my no 3 fave film overall. ;-) :-P

    People miss the point of the film because of the violence but it is actually a satire on the heavy handed attitudes of the Japanese government on the youth of Japan. The original novel explains this a lot better. :-)

    1. These aren't in any particular order, that's just how they came to mind. But I agree, it's one of the best.

      I didn't pick up on that satire because I don't know a lot about the Japanese government, but that's really interesting.

  2. Departures is the only one I haven't watched from your list. I don't know why, but I predict that the film will make me bored.

    1. Ha. I guess it's not for everyone. I thought it was beautiful.

  3. Haven't seen any of these but I really want to see Departures and Oldboy has been on my watchlist for EVER (I was wary of the dub).

    1. Avoid the dub, it honestly ruins it. The subtitled version is the way to go.

  4. Ew...Departures...Double Ew.

    LOL :-D

  5. Again-I have not seen any of these. I like the premise of someone helping out the dead for the afterlife. I wonder if i will enjoy it or be on the side with the others:)

    1. Check it out and let me know! (Hopefully you side with me) lol

  6. Love Battle Royale and Oldboy is one of my all-time faves. Departures? Sigh. We spoke.

  7. Battle Royale is awesome! I still have to watch Oldboy and Departures, both have been on my watch list for some time.

  8. Battle Royale and Oldboy is awesome! While I haven't watched Departures, so I guess all your picks are wonderful!

  9. If you remember, I defended Departures as well. I really liked that movie. It's a total sweetheart. Love that pick, here! Battle Royale is one I've always heard of but never saw. Oldboy is cool as shit! Spirited Away.....gross.....zzzzz. Lol.

    1. I do remember you liking Departures, but I was the only one having a viral boner over it lol.

      You NEED to see Battle Royale!

  10. I really wanted to love Departures but I was honestly really bored watching it.

  11. LOVE! Though, I haven't seen Departures yet.


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