2016 Blind Spot Series: All The President's Men

What I knew going in: That it's a very popular journalism movie.

Washington Post journalists Carl Bernstein (Dustin Hoffman) and Bob Woodward (Robert Redford) take on a story about the break in at the Watergate Hotel only for it to blow up into a massive conspiracy where no one wants to talk. Despite being told several times to essentially "let it go." They keep asking questions and use some very creative ways of getting people to confirm their questions.

With Spotlight and Truth being so strong this year. (for me anyways) I knew I had to place this film on my Blind Spot list. So many compared both of those films to this one. I find films like this endlessly fascinating. I love watching journalists work. How they do their research, ask their questions, and put up with so much shit, I have so much respect for them.

This film is brilliant all around. The pacing is great, the actors are very natural, though admittedly I'm not really sure how Jane Alexander managed to score an Oscar nomination out of this. Jason Robards certainly deserved his win. 2016 is off to a good start Blindspot wise!

Recommended: Yes

Grade: A

Memorable Quote: "When is someone going to go on the record about this story?" - Ben Bradlee (Jason Robards)


  1. Ooh I'm glad you enjoyed this one! It was a really popular pick for one of the Thursday Movie Picks and I've been thinking about watching it ever since :)
    - Allie

    1. That's what kind of pushed me towards it too. A lot of people talked about it that week.

  2. One of my favourite ever! Love it. I dig journalism movies too, but nothing beat this one.

    1. Journalism movies are great. I think Spotlight is still my favorite but this is right up there as well.

  3. This is also on my Blind Spot list tgis year. You've made me look forward to it even more!

  4. I guess Im just not a big fan of procedurals or movies about journalism which is why I could never really get into this. Not to say that it's bad, just not particularly memorable. But yeah, Jason Robards is fantastic in this.

    1. I find journalism movies very interesting. I hope to see more, though I can understand how they might not seem exciting on paper.

  5. Yay, I'm glad you love this one! This was one of my fave Blindspot films from last year and I had such a high expectation for it, glad it delivered. I thought Spotlight has some similarities to this, that's another terrific journalism film.

    1. Spotlight and Truth were both great this year. I'm glad you liked it too.

  6. I saw this when I was in high school and I thought it was fucking great then. I still think it's fucking great now.

  7. YAASSS!! It's one of my all-time favorites. Such a tense procedural, with great performances from its ensemble. I'm also a fan of Spotlight and Truth. ;)

  8. So glad you liked this so much, it's one of my absolute favorites. It kills me still that it didn't win Best Picture in its year. Redford and Hoffman are so perfect together even more so because they are so different.

    I loved Jason Robards in the film and don't really have any problem with him winning for it but what I want to know is how Hal Holbrook's brilliant work as Deep Throat went totally unrewarded. I think his is the linchpin performance of the film.

    The film is just about perfect in every way.

    1. It a good film to have as a favorite. It works so well. I'm a bit ashamed it took me so long to see it.


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