Thursday Movie Picks: Airplane Movies

This week's theme from Wandering Through the Shelves involves the best way to travel...airplanes! I love flying for the most part. Sure, strong turbulence is terrible, I was on a plane once that was caught in jet wake and the pilot literally explained the science of wake turbulence while correcting it, which was oddly calming. I was almost tempted to do this week about terrible fucking in flight movies I've see, but I'll stick to the films where planes are actually involved.

1) Red Eye

This movie is a proper thriller. It has the perfect run time too, short, but intense throughout so it never gives the opportunity to drag. Cillian Murphy probably gets side eyed on every flight he's on now.

2) Airplane!

Everybody is going to pick this movie. It's so stupid and fun.

3) The Aviator

Unlike Red Eye, this does get the opportunity to drag but it's so well made and acted that I don't care. The cast is amazing.


  1. YAY! We both went with Red Eye! Love the Aviator inclusion.

    I haven't seen Airplane yet. I should get on that.

    This was a hard week for me, as I apparently don't watch many airplane movies.

    1. Drew, I am absolutely shocked you haven't seen Airplane! It's only one of the best spoofs ever made, lol.

      Britt, I also love Red Eye and The Aviator. And yes, if I saw Cilian Murphy on my flight, I might be a bit worried. I'd probably say that even if I hadn't seen this, though. The dude is just creepy to me.

    2. Drew - I can't believe you haven't seen Airplane! Either, it's good, stupid fun.

      Dell - aww poor Cillian. I think he has some of the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen.

    3. I'll get on it!

  2. I'm kinda happy to see so many went with Red Eye. Such a great thriller!

  3. Love all three of these picks! I mean, I haven't seen The Aviator yet, but I still love that you picked it. Red Eye I love so much that I picked it way back for one of my first TMP entries. Such a perfect, tight movie - absolutely no fat and McAdams and Murphy are a great match. Airplane is perfection. I put it on whenever I need a good giggle.

    1. The Aviator is great. A little too long but it's just a quality film.

  4. Hmm ... I should check out red eye.

  5. Definitely adding Red Eye to my watchlist!

    1. Yay! It's a really quick film too, I believe it's less than 90 minutes.

  6. Great stuff. Love the variety of your picks.


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