DVD Review: 45 Years

2nd place.

Kate (Charlotte Rampling) and Geoff (Tom Courtenay) are about to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary. Six days prior to the party they are going to throw for the occasion, Geoff finds out that his old lover Katya's body has been found preserved in a glacier. Back in the 60's, she had fallen off a cliff while on a hike with Geoff. Kate knew about her, but did not know that Geoff told everyone they were married so he is considered next of kin. Geoff begins to openly reminisce about their time together and Kate is faced with the realization that her happy marriage has really been here in 2nd place the entire time.

Kate takes this all in a stride, at least more than I think I would've. As I watched, I wondered how I would've acted in this situation. It probably would've resulted in me yelling, swearing, and possibly punching Geoff for his bullshit at some point. But Kate doesn't lash out. She's heartbroken, plain and simple. Everything she's known about her marriage she now questions and the reality is so depressing.

Rampling is amazing. The play of emotions that go across her face is desperately sad. The film solely rests on her shoulders, and would've failed otherwise. She's the best thing by far, everything else struggles to match her intrigue. I remember when Oscar screeners went out, there were complaints that this film felt "too long." I couldn't disagree more, It had a strangely fast pace for a film meant to study such a depressing subject. 

Recommended: Yes

Grade: B-

Memorable Quote: "No, I think I was enough for you, I'm just not sure if you do." - Kate (Charlotte Rampling)


  1. This movie was so good, and Rampling was incredible...that final scene...her face...SLAY!!!

    1. That final scene was her Oscar nomination for sure!

  2. I really want to see this not just because of Charlotte Rampling whom I adore but also the fact that it's from Andrew Haigh whose film Weekend I really like a lot.

    1. I never saw Weekend, I'll have to look into that.

  3. I really want to see this film. I would be beyond devastated to know I was second. I am looking forward to seeing this

  4. yeah, i really thought it was too long, too slow, and too boring :(

    1. Really? It didn't feel long to me at all and I was expecting it too. I can understand the boring part though, not a lot went on here.

  5. Shit. I'm in for this, too.

    Damn, Brittani. Everything you post I want to see, but it would take me forever (you know, combining your list with all the dumb shit I watch). F--k. I gotta like, break my legs or something.

    1. lol but you get to watch way more amusing movies than I do! I've ended up with a lot of sad ones lately.

    2. yeah that's true 45 years is depressing as fuck, if m.brown watched this after all the Purge films and animated flicks the sadness would kill him :lol:

    3. 45 Years could've ended in a murder situation, I'm glad they chose the route they did. lol

  6. I'm with you, I thought the time flew by! I gotta say, I think I would have flipped the kitchen table if it were me.
    - Allie

    1. Same. Every time he opened his mouth I would've nope'd out of the room.

  7. It's hard to watch a movie like this because it exposes all our little insecurities. It definitely doesn't feel overlong though.

    1. You're absolutely right about exposing insecurities.

  8. I really liked this one. I agree, Rampling is superb but I think Courtenay is too. I really like the way their characters worked as a couple. Heartbreaking film.

    1. They were a very convincing couple, I was probably pretty hard on him because I wanted to punch his character so much. lol


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