Mini Rambling Reviews

Here's a few movies I watched recently that I didn't post full reviews of for one reason or another. (Yes, I know I should've done a full one for Finding Dory as I loved it so much)


I had no intentions of seeing this in theaters, but it's on HBO now so my husband and I gave it a watch. It was decent. Nothing spectacular but it was suspenseful and I did find myself caring for the characters. I had read about the 1996 Everest tragedy prior, my husband hadn't, so he was surprised at the ones who perished where as I was ex pectin it.
Grade: C+

Summer Storm

I didn't finish this movie. I actually can't remember the last time I got a movie from Netflix and returned it without finishing. I just didn't buy this as a self discovery story. It's a German film about young men at a summer camp for rowing, and one of them realizes he has a crush on his best friend. Only the first few minutes of this story make it quite unbelievable as they act like a couple, including laying side by side and jerking off...for some reason. This one wasn't for me.
Grade: Quitter

Finding Dory

Did we need this sequel over 10 years after the original? Who the fuck cares, this was amazing. I loved this film. I'm not sure if it unseats Zootopia as my favorite animated film of the year yet, but it's close. The sea lions were my favorite part.
Grade: A-

The Brothers Grimsby

This film was very choppy. I felt like there was a lot they edited out of it. It had a few funny parts, but overall was a bit of a letdown. Though, I suppose if you're interested in seeing two men crawl into an Elephant's vagina, only for another elephant to initiate sex and ram it's massive dick into the two men inside AND finish all over them. This is for you. No seriously, that all happened.
Grade: D


  1. Glad to see you loved Finding Dory. Definitely a worthwhile sequel.

    - Zach

  2. Agree with you on Finding Dory. While I think Zootopia is the best animated film this year, and best film so far this year, Finding Dory is a worthy sequel.

    Also, I think the reason why you thought the seals are the best part is because one of them is voiced by Idris Elba whose become a secret weapon for Disney this year with this, Zootopia, and The Jungle Book. I do want to actually see his gorgeous self on screen in the future, though.

    1. lol That is why I loved the sea lions, because they were voiced by two actors on The Wire.

      I agree Zootopia is the best animated film of the year based on message alone, but Dory is close behind. It'll be an interesting Oscar race.

  3. I have family from Grimsby so I think enjoyed it because I have a close connection to the town where the film is set, even though it's completely inaccurate.

    That elephant scene though...good lord...

    1. Yeah, they didn't even shoot in Grimsby, I read. I did laugh pretty hard at the elephant scene but omg I can't believe they did that.

  4. OK, I hope I never see The Brother Grimsby after what you just described. Ew.....

  5. Haven't seen any of these. Hopefully, I'll be seeing Finding Dory, soon. Um...The Brothers Grimsby...I said I would pass on it when I saw the trailer. Now, I'm sure I will. I mean, wtf?

    1. It's fucking weird to put it lightly. I almost went to it in theaters and I'm glad I didn't pay for this.

  6. I saw Everest as well and agree with your assessment. I thought the effects were great and the heights got to me:) I remember when this happened and it's strange how many people who have died on the mountain are still there and many climbers pass by them. I want to see Finding Dory but I think I'll pass on the others.

    1. Yeah, that's pretty fucked up to think people hike past these dead bodies. I went to a conference where one of the speakers climbed Everest twice because she had to turn around right before she got to the top the first time. It's insane.

  7. I kept putting off seeing Everest, though initially I was looking forward to it. I'd avoid reading about it as I'd like to be surprised as I'm watching the movie. As for The Brothers Grimsby, WOW no I don't think I care to see that scene you described.

    1. The sad thing is, that scene is probably the funniest one in the movie. The other jokes fall pretty flat.

  8. I rarely give up on a movie either, so I guess if we do, that's a review in and of itself!

    1. I really tried with Summer Storm, but man that movie sucked. lol

  9. Grimsby was straight up surreal, I couldnt believe my eyes most of the time :lol:

    1. My husband and I were trying to describe it to someone last night, and there really are no words. lol


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