Indie Gems: Other People

I thought this happened to other people. 

David (Jesse Plemmons) is a writer living in New York who flies home to Sacramento to be with his dying mother, Joanne (Molly Shannon) as she quits chemo. His relationship with his family is strained since he came out 10 years prior and they did not take it well, especially his father. (Bradley Whitford) Now the current situation forces everyone to rethink what family means to them.

This fell into my Netflix black hole after reading Jay's review on Assholes Watching Movies and while I thought it sounded like something I'd like, I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. What I've found during this Netflix clean out is I tend to drift towards my cell phone while watching some of these films, I never did once here.

Cancer dramas can be very cliche, but writer/director Chris Kelly (Who apparently wrote this based off his own experiences) litters his film with genuine humor and skips all the platitudes. David and Joanne, as our main focus feel like mother and son. You can tell just by listening to Joanne where David gets his knack for comedy from, even though he's at a point in his life where he's not successful. 

Molly Shannon is absolutely amazing here. For me, when I see her I think of Superstar, even though I know she's done a ton of more dramatic work since then. I didn't get a single second of Mary Katherine Gallagher here. I stayed strong with her at the beginning and wept for her at the end. Plemmons also puts in great work. David isn't the most likable character, but he's never so bad to where I don't care about him. All of this is just happening at the worst possible time.

If you need a film to amuse you for a while, then make you cry it all out at the end. (or maybe I'm a wuss and you'll power through it) This one is for you.

Grade: A-

Watched on: Netflix

Memorable quote: "When you miss me, come visit your sisters." - Joanne (Molly Shannon)


  1. Molly Shannon is awesome. So underrated as I'm excited to see her in that movie about Emily Dickinson.

    1. Her dramatic work really is underrated. I think most still associate her with SNL even though it's been so long since she's been a cast member.

  2. I'm still excited to see Avengers: Endgame and Spider-Man: Far From Home

  3. Jesse Plemmons is so much like Hoffman to me, that it's sometimes as if they are related or something. Also, not only do they look alike to me, I think Plemmons is able to kill it with performances. So now I'm excited to stumble on this film myself as well.

    1. I could see that! I always associate him with Matt Damon since every referred to him as "Meth Damon" when he was in Breaking Bad. lol Plemmons is great though, I've never seen him be bad in anything.

  4. I love movies like this, but I have to be in the right kind of mood. Jesse Plemmons has been brilliant in everything I've seen him in so far!

  5. I'm really interested in this. The cast is really intriguing. I completely missed it on Netflix. Thanks for the heads-up.

  6. I don't even know this film but I like Molly Shannon. I shall look for this and watch it if I can find it

    1. I hope you like it! If American Netflix has it, Canada might too.

  7. Oh Polish Netflix has it! I'll add it to my list!

  8. Nice review! I remember Emma Stone and Molly interviewing each other for a Variety Actor on Actors thing a few years ago, and Molly was getting some press for this. But I couldn't track it down and happy you found it. I'll add it to my Netflix. :)

    1. I vaguely remember hearing about her from this (I think maybe she was nominated for an Indie Spirit?) but after watching it she really should've gotten more attention.

  9. I was looking for movies with Jesse Plemons just yesterday and this was the only one on Italian Netflix. I watched it this morning and I loved it. And I cried too (much). Nice review!


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